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Armens pov

Grayson had taken me with him. We had gone back to that place from yesterday and got a few things and enchanted a few things. Surprisingly I did actually have the ability to use magic. It was actually kinda cool. I knew I wasn't a full time Mage like Drake but I could still do it. I was becoming nervousness was we got closer to our end goal. Some things were hard to get and I there's were slightly easier since the old mages left behind some of the items we actually needed in the same room Mia found it in to begin with. Maybe they were trying to do what we are doing now but never finished. I do have some faint memories from the past few years of the outside world. Like when Drake did try to free me some. It was only slightly. I knew that it did in fact hurt because herobrine did what ever he could to keep his grip on my body. I know that a small portion of him was split off. Not much else.

Mia's pov

I spent most of the day with Drake while Armen and Grayson were off. The two of us also ran into Luke. It wasn't so bad I guess. Drake did seem a little off. I guess he was like that because of what happened the other day when Luke last saw us. Syrith was with us as well and seemed happy to see him. Once we finally got home I was worn out. Little syrith had gotten free from my grip and ran off. He is getting bigger slowly and is very energetic. He managed to tackle both me and Drake to the ground while we played. It was fun. Something I missed. Drake missed it too. We never had a lot of fun anymore. It was nice to be able to feel normal for once. Or at least I thought it was of corse something always has to happen and slap us back into reality and let us know our lives are not normal.

"This is nice isn't it." I said enjoying the fresh air.

"Yea it's not to bad." He answered back, annoyance edging his voice.

"You ok?" I asked.

"Yea just....headache..."

"Oh well do you wanna head back and rest?"

"No I'm fine just-" he paused before groaning.

"Drake?" I asked slowly standing up. I was abruptly thrown back when I heard the sound of him teleporting. He had his hand around my neck and the other at his side. Staring directly into my eyes his white eye was glowing and he looked pissed as ever. Instantly it hit me and fear took over.

"I know your up to something you moron. I'm not as stupid as you think I am." He snapped making me shake as I tired to pry his hand off of me.

"I don't know what your talking about!" I shouted. I knew he saw right threw the lie with the look he gave me. Anger filled his eyes.

"I could just kill you right here and right now but I can't. What are you and the other two idiots up to. You don't think I noticed how you got your friend alone for the day and the other two went out doing something."

"Please let me go. I don't know what your taking about!" I refused to tell him anything.

Little squeaks could be heard from our right as I heard Luke yelling syrith's name and running after him. Syrith then came running and head butted Drake and tugged at his pant leg growling. There wasn't much he could do since he was still small. He could knock us off or feet but herobrine was a lot stronger and wasn't phased by the small dragon. Luke had come running up and stopped immediately as soon as he saw what was going on. He stated at Drake for a second before backing up. Drake just turns and stared.

"Look who it is. Either you tell me what you are planning or I use him as bait and find other two and kill him to make you talk." He grinned.

"No leave Luke out of this!! He has no involvement!" I yelled. He knew I wasn't lying and turned back to me. The baby dragon had given up and started hissing and making tiny roars at herobrine. Luke grabbed him and ran. Herobrine didn't seem to care and he teleported taking me with him. Luke please warn Grayson and Armen. And hurry!

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