Why Won't They Leave?

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"Wake up."

I stayed asleep.

"Wake up."

I stirred in my sleep a bit.

"Wake up."

I slowly open my eyes.

"Wake up."

I then fully realized there was a voice and shot out of bed; no one was around me though.

"Oh good, you're up," the voice said, still showing no sign of an owner, "You have no time to lose. Grab your flashlight; also your music box as well, and let's get going.

I still had no idea who was talking and why it was telling me what to do. I've survived this long, what could be so different this time? I finally decided to talk back.

"What do I need the music box for?"

I opened the drawer to the bed-side table and pulled out my flashlight and music box; wondering if I should use it.

"If you don't want calming music to help you out, go right ahead."

I closed the drawer back up and placed the box on top; opening it and letting my song play. I guess it is pretty calming.

"Would you like some of my help?" the voice asked.

"I don't even know who you are," I replied, "Why would I let a total stranger help me?"

"What about that Mike Schmidt guy?"

"I know him better than I would you. Besides, he's not helping me with the nightmares, I just told him about it."

"Who's helping you?"

"What do you mean?"

"No one's able to live for the fifth night; trust me, I should know. So... who's helping?"

"My Grandpa, but not during the nightmares."

"He wouldn't happen to be named Joel Mason, would he?"


"Oh my god, that idiot? Whatever, enjoy yourself."

There was no more voice that I could hear, so I ran around the rooms quickly. The voice probably wasted a lot of time talking and gave the animatronics time to reach my room. Perfect.

I decided that I would check the bathroom, knowing Candy is always the one that shows up first. I shook my flashlight on and shinned it at the tub curtains. But instead of seeing a shadow, I saw the metal and face of Candy. I've never really saw his face before so before the flashlight gave out, I took the time to see what he looked like. Half of the tummy was broken off, showing off the metal skeleton inside. The plastic shell of his arm was gone completely and some pieces were missing from his left arm and leg. His face was also scary looking, the inside of his right ear was gone, showing the silver metal and he was missing his left eye. Then the light shut off, meaning he was gone. I was still a bit freaked out, was he really that bad to be so destroyed? Although I haven't seen that burger place in years so I might not remember all of what he looked like. He does look the same, I think, only more withered.

I walked out of the bathroom and then checked the walk-in closet. Last I remember Bonnie goes in there, but I've only seen him once and that was the second night. I'm still looking though, just in case someone else could be there. Shinning my flashlight around the area; there was nothing out of the ordinary. That was until I noticed a shadow peeking from under the right side of hanging clothes. Who could that be? I decided to check it out, being very cautious, and I push aside the clothes to reveal nothing. I don't understand how that's possible, but what I did find was more paint saying something.

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