Welcome To The (Last) Party

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~0 Days Until The Party~

Today is the day, of course it's not the party yet, but it is Daniel's birthday. I'm definitely going to be calling him this morning to wish him a happy birthday. I pick up Fredbear and carry him down with me to breakfast. When I got to the kitchen, Grandma was at the stove, cracking eggs into a pan.

"Good morning dear," she greeted me as I sat down at the island, "Breakfast is almost ready, I just need to make some toast and cut some fruit."

I allowed her to work on that and I soon heard the stairs creaking, Grandpa was awake now, too. He sat down in the chair next to me a fluffed up my hair.

"So," he said.

"So what?"

"Today's the party, are you excited?"

"Absolutely, I can't wait. I'm planning on calling Daniel to tell him 'happy birthday'."

"It's been a while since you've been to Freddy's, huh?"

I got the wooden Puppet toy the last time and that was it; I wonder how much has changed, if anything did in that amount of time."

"I guess you'll find out today."

I nod and a plate with eggs, buttered toast, sliced strawberries, and grapes gets placed in front of me and I start to eat; thanking Grandma.

After I ate, I took the home phone and brought it upstairs to my room with me. I sat on my bed, with Fredbear beside me, and dialed Daniel's number. I put the phone to my ear and it ringed for a little bit until someone answered... it was Mike.

"Is Daniel up?" I asked, "I want to talk to him."

"Yeah, he is, I'll get him down here."

I hear Mike yell for Daniel and I hear stairs creaking, then the phone was passed on.

"Hello?" I hear Daniel say.

"I just wanted to call and say 'happy birthday' to you."

"Thanks Sam, I appreciate that; I can't wait to see you at the partyi. 1:00pm at Freddy's, don't forget."

"Trust me, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Goodbye."

We hung up and I bring the phone back to where it's supposed to go and go back to my room. I decide to get dressed in my best clothes and pass the time by reading with Foxy, Puppet and Fredbear.

The clock said 12:45pm when Grandpa came into my room to tell me it was time to go. I happily grab Fredbear off my bed and follow him to the front door; getting my coat on and going outside to the car. On the way to the pizzeria, Grandpa kept asking me a bunch of question; one being if he should stay in the building during the party.

"Daniel's mom will be there, it's not like we're unsupervised, there's nothing to worry about."

Grandpa nodded and continued to drive and we drove into the parking lot at around 12:55pm. Grandpa parked the car and we both got out and walked to the entrance. When we walked in, there was Mary standing and waiting for us.

"Oh good Sam, you're here," she cheered, "The party room we're in is just over that way. You go on in while I chat with you're Grandfather for a bit."

I nod and do what she told me. I wandered into the room and it was filled with a bunch of kids, it looked almost full. Most of the faces here I didn't recognize, but out of the crowd I saw Daniel, Susie, Joey and Henry huddled together in the back of the room; talking. I made my way over to them and they seriously looked super happy to see me.

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