Chapter 1

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Perrie pov

Oh my god i was pregnant. What was Zayn gonna think? Would he wanna stay with me. When did this happen? Oh shit yesterday before he went to the boys we had it. We weren't protected shit!

I can't keep this from Zayn. I need to tell him now. I take the pregnancy test stick and place it in the box and head downstairs. He was sitting on the sofa flicking through the channels.

He hears me walking towards him and looks in my direction. I hid the box behind my back. "Babe you feeling better?" He asks turning off the tv.

I walk to him and sit on the sofa next to him. I place the box behind my back on the sofa. "Zayn promise me you won't leave me if anything happens." I tell him looking in his eyes.

"I promise babe. I love you. Whats up?" He asks placing a hand on my thigh. I take a deep breath a get the box from my back and give it to him. He looks confused.

"You think your pregnant babe?" He says still looking at the box. "No" i say and then take a small breath "I am". He looks up at me quicker than i could blink.

"What?" He asks sounding confused. "Im pregnant" i say looking away from his eyes and looking at my lap. I felt his hand off my thigh. I can feel my self slowly losing the love of my life.

"What? How did this happen?!" He says running his hand through his hair. "Yesterday" i say quietly. "Oh shit!" He says getting up and walking around the room. I felt the tears in my eyes.

He noticed and i looked down. I felt someone sit down next to me. I didn't bare to look. Before i knew it his lips were on mine and his hands were running through my hair. I ran my hands through his hair trying to bring him closer.

He breaks the kiss still our foreheads in contact. "I don't wanna see you upset" he says. "Babe look i don't wanna lose you or the kid. But i don't know what to do" he says placing a hand on my stomach.

"I don't wanna lose both of you either" i say placing my hand over his. "Lets call the guys and girls maybe they will help us" i suggest. He nods his head and he calls the guys while i call the girls.


About an hour later they are all here sitting in our living room. "So whats wrong?" Jesy asks. "Well um" i start off. I was struggling but i don't know why. "She is pregnant" Zayn says squeezing my hand i smile lightly and look at their reactions.

They all had eyes wide, mouths were open all different lengths. "Pez.."Louis starts. I look down not wanting to see their faces anymore.

"Congrats!" Leigh-anne says hugging me. I hug her back then break the hug. "What are management gonna say?" Jade says. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down.

"If you want we can go now we will all be here for you" Niall sugests. I look towards Zayn and he nods his head. "Ok lets go" i say.


We are all at our manager Tom's office waiting for him to come in. He finally comes in and takes a sit at his desk. "Ok so whats the problem?" he says.

"Uh well Perrie is pregnant" Zayn says. "What ? You have to get rid of that thing!" He yells at me. Is something wrong with him? Hell no im loosing the beautiful creature that is growing inside me. "No!" I yell back. "Please tom is there a way Perrie can keep the baby and continue her dream." Liam says very nicely.

"Its gonna ruin their careers!" He yells at us. I felt the tears in my eyes. "Look if we do keep the baby it will be due just before we start our tours next year. We can keep it with our families if we are busy and all. Please Tom" Zayn begs him, you could tell he was already in love with this baby.

He sighs and looks at us. "Ok fine! You can say you are pregnant if they ask you in a interview whats new or how are you and all and then confirm it by tweets." He says.

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. "Thanks you so much!" I exclaim. Zayn hugs me and then goes over to Tom to thank him. As we walk out Niall suggests going to dinner. "Ok let me call Dani" Liam says. Niall nods his head and says "Brit is with family".

We all nod and head to nandos.


Harry pov

As we were looking at the menu the door opens. Danielle walks in with Layla and Eleanor. My heart stops. I missed her so damn much. I need her back. She was so beautiful. As soon as her eyes meet mine she looked away.

I looked down at my menu. I knew she hated me. I deserved it. But i missed her. "Hey. Hope you don't mind i brought the girls because i was with them and i didn't wanna leave them" Dani says sitting next to Liam. "Not at all" Louis says looking towards Eleanor. She looks away.

Layla and Eleanor sit near Perrie. "Girls im pregnant!" Perrie tells them. All there eyes go to her and they start saying congrats and hugging her and all. They started laughing and i hear Layla's laugh.

God i missed it. Her laugh was so cute. Her eyes meet mine and she stopped laughing. Man i hated this space between us. She looked away and joined in the girls conversation.

Louis pov

Eleanor was so beautiful and I loved her so much. I need her back. "Im going to the loo" Eleanor says and gets up i quickly follow. "El" i say. She still walks. "El please" i say and stand next to her. She stops and faces me.

"What?" She says in cold tone. "I swear i never ever texted her back! Yes i saw them but then deleted because i was so disgusted!" I say. "I love you so much El! I would never want to hurt you. Ever since i laid eyes on you i never looked at another girl! Your the most beautiful person i have ever seen! You have the most beautiful smile and the most mezmorizing eyes! I love you Eleanor Jane Calder!".

Eleanor pov

"I love you Eleanor Jane Calder!" Did he really mean that? I had missed him so much. Yesterday was our anniversary and i just sat in my room looking at our pictures and crying.

I want him back. "I love you Louis William Tomlinson" i say in soft tone. I watch his faces as it lights up. I wrap my arms around his neck and bring him closer kissing him with everything i had.

I missed his perfect lips. When ever they were on mine everything was good and perfect. He wraps his arms around my waist and i start running my hands through his hair.

I break this kiss and look at him once more before i walk out to were everyone was. "So you two back on?" Niall asks. I nod my head and sit next to the love of my life.

Harry pov

Louis and El got back together so quickly. Louis didn't do anything thats why she forgave him. I on the other hand kissed Theresa right in front of her. I couldn't lie.

All i wanted was her back in my arms. Her hand intertwined with mine. My arms holding close and i promising never to let go. Her perfect lips on mine.

I wanted Layla.


A/n: ok so first chapter of sequel how it go? Will Harry and Layla reunite? How will the word take on a zerrie baby? Im gonna do like a song quiz and first to get it i'll give a shoutout to them and tell everyone about one of there books.

Ok so here is how it goes:

Baby even when were miles apart. You'll always stay inside my heart.

Love you all xx




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