Chapter 25

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Perrie pov

I was currently waiting at the airport for Zayn to arrive. I was shaking. Half of me was terrified about doing the operation and the other half was excited to see Zayn. I look up at the sign showing which planes have landed. Zayn should be here by now.

I was shocked Paul let him go again, it did take alot of comvinciing but once he knew my baby was in trouble he practically pushed Zayn off the bus and onto the plane. People start coming through the doors and i look around trying to spot Zayn's head.

I finally see him and we run to each other embracing in a hug and short but passionate kiss. He breaks the kiss and places his hands on both sides of my face. "How do you feel? Babe you ok? Any more pain? Did he come back? Did the doctor say any-" i cut him off by placing my lips on his. "Baby im fine. Just a little scared about the operation. But other than that im fine babe don't worry." I say.

"Good. Im gonna kill that guy" he says. "Babe just relax please for now. For me. After my surgery you can kill who you want" I say holding his hands. He smiles at me and kisses me once more. "Anything for you babe" he interwinds our hands and we walk out of the airport to the car outiside.


"Babe you ready?" Zayn asks. We needed to leave now for the surgery. I was wearing my grey onsie with my hair out along with my white converse. I was gonna change out of them for the surgery anyway so need to dress up.

I was scared shitless. What if something happened to me? Or the baby? Or something wrong happens and I lose my baby? Or it gets affected some how? I didn't  know i was crying until i felt someone knelling in front of me as i was sitting on the bed and their hands in mine. "Babe whats wrong?" Zayn asks.

"B..babe im s..scared" i say in between my sobs. He stands up and sits next to me on the bed. He kisses my lips. It some how relaxes me a bit. He breaks the kiss and looks into my blue eyes as i look into his brown ones. "Babe don't be. Everything will be fine. You will fight through the surgery and will be rigth beside you when you wake up" he said. I smiles at him and he smiles back.

"How did i get so lucky to be with an amazing man like you who cares and loves me?" i say to him smiling more. He chuckles and smirks "How did i get so lucky to be with a gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, talented, cute, funny.." he trails on making us both laugh. "Mhh i love you" i say. "As i love you" he says and pecks my lips once more as he gets up and holds a hand out for me. "Ready?" he asks. I take his hand.



I slip into the hospital gown with my underwere on underneath and i take my clothes and get out of the bathroom walking into the soon surgery room. I place my clothes on the table and sit on Zayn's lap as all the seats were talking. My mom, dad, Jonnie, Caitlyn, katherine, Jesy, Jade and leaigh-anne were all here. For me. And my baby.   

I could feel my heart beating fast and my stomach was churning. I let a tear fall and Zayn wipped it away. "Everything will be fine" he whispers in my ear and kisses my temple to try and calm me. As always it works. No matter what mood im in Zayn will always make me smile and calm me. The door opens reavealing Layla. I could hear Katherine curse under her breath. "Hi Perrie. I heard you were going for the surgery and they needed a nurse so i offered. Hope you don't mind" she says.

I get off Zayn's lap and walk to her and embrace her in a hug and she hugs me back. We break the hug and i say "Thank you".  "The pleasure is all mine" she says. "Tell her nothing bad is gonna happen she is scared shitless" Zayn says making us all laugh including me. "Nothing will happen I have done this before and nothing has happened" she says reasuring me.

I smile at her and she smiles back. The doctor then walks in. "Im going to have to ask you all to leave as we will begin the surgery." The doctor says. One by one they all walk out telling me something sweet. Zayn the last one wraps his arms around me and i do the same. He keeps his arms around me and looks at me. "I love you baby everything will be fine" he says. I smile at him and kiss his lips. "I love you" i say. He smiles at me and pecks me once more than walks out. "Ready?" Layls asks as i lay down on the bed. "Ready" i say just as she places a mask on my mouth. The last thing i think of before darkness over takes me is one thing. Zayn.

Zayn pov

As i sit outiside her room all i can think about is her. The love of my life and my baby having to go through pain beacause of some jerk. Perrie is my everything. My light to my darkness. The reason why i smile. My happiness is her. I love her so damn much and if anything happend i have no idea what i will do. I can't help but worry about her when we are miles away or only a few meters a part. I love her blue eyes that are always filled with happiness and love. Her true and most beautiful smile. Her. I just simply love her.


After three hours she is out of surgery and is awake. 'You may go in but only one at a time" the doctor says. Everyones heads turn to me signialling that i should go in first. I smile at them and walk in. My heart litterally breaks as i see the sight of perrie. They were wires in her with blood bags at the end of them and she was a little more pale. Her face looked like she was in pain and scared.

I go sit next  to her and hold her hand and kiss it. "You ok baby?" I ask. She weakily smiles at me and the door opens both our head look at the doctor at the end of her bed. "The surgery went well. Everything is fine. Your child is also fine we just need to keep you here for a day or two Miss Edwards as you are too weak to go home" he says. Yes my baby and girl were ok. "Thanks doctor" i say. He smiles at us and leaves.

I look towards Perrie and she smiling at me. "I love you so much baby thank you for being here" She says and coughs a bit. "I will always ne here for you baby. No matter where I am will come back to you in a heart beat." i say and stand up leaning my forehead against hers. "I love you Zayn malik" she says. "I love you Perrie edwards" i say and kiss her oh so kissable lips. Once i break the kiss i smile at her and she smiles back at me.


a/n: yay! Perrie and the baby are ok! Im starting a new fanfic called 'The nurse' which is a harry styles fanfiction. its a more described and detailed story of Harry and Layla's relationship and more of Layla's life so please read!!

Im absouloutly loving your comments so please you gorgeos people please comment! It measn so much to me!!

Love you all! xx




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