Chapter 13

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Perrie pov

I could see hurt, sadness and anger flashing through Kath's eyes. The expression on her face was the one you see in movies when something bad is gonna happen. It kinda scared me. "What?" she says through her gritted teeth.

"Babe it was before we got back together" Ashton said. He touched her arm and she just shrugged it off. "Why though?" She asked less angry. "Um well.." Ashton started but it looked like he had no reason.

"Well we both had the same relationship problem and we wanted the same thing. We both went to the club for the same reason" Layla said butting in. "Ok then" Kath said. "Are you mad babe?" Ashton said. "I don't know. I need to go. I will come to your place tomorrow pez" she says and just walks off before anyone tries to stop her.

Layla and Ashton look at each other confusion in their eyes. "Pez i'll come to your place tomorrow i need to leave now. I'll catch a taxi El so you can stay longer" Layla says. I nod understanding why she had to leave. She had sex with my best friend's boyfriend. El nods and smiles at her. She nods her head and gets up and leaves.

Ashton gets up and followers her.

Layla pov

As i leave Perrie's room i felt some one behind me. I turn around and see Ashton. "Ashton what do you want?" I say. "Layla. That night was amazing and-" he starts but i cut him off. "Ashton you have a girlfriend who loves you. Don't go saying that night was amazing".

"Im not gonna lie anymore Layla. I have feelings for you" he says. Feelings? No i must be hearing wrong. "What?" I say close to a whisper. "I really like you. Your beautiful and cute and just amazing" he says.

"You don't know anything about me. How could you like me?" I say. "I guess it was just love at first sight" he says shrugging his shoulders. No. I did not want a repeat with Harry situation. "Ashton i can't. I can't fall in love with you. I can't get my heart broken" i say and turn around walking to the lifts.

"Just so you know I'm gonna dump Katherine" he says. I spin around. "What? No she loves you! Your gonna dump her if you think you like me?!" I said madly. "I can't be with someone i don't love and they love me a lot" he says. This reminded me of what Harry said to Jade and in the end he got me.

"Don't say that. You know you love her. Don't be such a jerk" i say. "When i realize you have even the tiniest amount of feelings for me I'm gonna dump her" he says. "Well i guess you not gonna dump her" i say.

"We'll see" he says. "Bye" i say turning around and walking to the lifts. "Bye Layla" he says.


Perrie pov

I finally came home from that horrid hospital. On the way i bought some wedding magazines and pregnancy books. I wanted to have the wedding after the baby. It had to be perfect.

I sit in bed and open up the books as my mom takes a shower. As i was looking at some venues someone knocked on the front door. I got out of bed and headed downstairs. I opened the door to find Kath standing there.

"Hey" i say. "Hey Pez I'm sorry i left yesterday" she says. "Its ok. Come in" i say moving to let her in. She smiles and steps in. I close the door and we head upstairs to my room.

We sit on the bed together. "So started planning for the wedding i see?" She says waggling her eyebrows. "Yep i have" i say smiling. I was so excited and happy to get married to Zayn. Be Mrs malik.

Have kids. Teach them everything. Watch them grow up. Grow old together. That it is what i would love. "Have you decided on anything?" She asks. "Well i defiantly know who my maid of honor is" i say smiling at her.

"Is it yours truly" she says pointing at her. "Of course kath." I say she smiles at me and hugs me. "Thanks pez. What about the bridesmaids and flower girls?" She asks. "Well i was thinking of having Safaa Zayns lil sister as the flower girl. Bride maids Jesy, Jade, Leigh Anne, Caitlyn, Eleanor, Layla and-" i say but she cuts me off.

"Wait Layla? No" she says. "Kath she has such a hard time lately and im really good friends with her" i say. "She has sex with my boyfriend" she says. "You weren't even dating then!" I say. "Pez it dosen't matter! You know what he was mumbiling in his sleep! Layla. Layla he dreams about her now. She has taken away the love of my life after one night after i gave him 6 years!" She says throwing her hands in the air.

He dreamt about her? This was going to far. "What ? Im sorry Kath i didn't know" i say. "No its fine. You would rather side with a girl you barely know who is stealling the love of my life" She says. "kath-" i was cut off. "Bye Perrie" she says and runs downstairs. I ran after her and but it was too late she left. What was wrong with me i just lost my best friend.

I went into my room queitly, i just broke down on my bed. Why was i an idiot? I could have at least considered about it, not shoot it up in her face. I grab my phone and call the one person i knew that could comfort me. Zayn. I diall his numer and he picks up after 3 rings. "Hey babe" he says. "Hey babe" i say and sniffle. "You ok?" he asks worried. "I think i just lost my bestfriend" i say. "Oh perrie Kath loves you im sure she will forgive you" he says.

"I dont think she will forgive me after this" i say. "What happened?" he asks. I explain trhe story to him and he sighs. "Just give her time babe" he says. I heard Lou shouting at him to get off the phone so i knew i had to "Your busy babe ill take soon i love you" i say. "Ok babe i love you oh and im never too busy for you" he says and ends the call. I smile to myslef. I had the best Fionce ever. Best lover. Zayn was perfect for me. And i just loved him.


A/N- soz it took long i was busy since i came back to oz. Finally got the this is us movie and already watched it twice! I will be starting my new book ' a different kind of love story ' shortly. Anyways instaead of a song quiz i wanted to do a 1d quiz!


Who came up with Crazy Mofos?

love you all xx



beccy:) xx

Kath and pez fight over layla-

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