Chapter 11

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Perrie pov

I get in the car and start driving home. My mom should be here anytime soon. On cue my phone starts ringing. "Hey mom" i say. "Hey love" she says. "Are you at my house yet?" I ask her. "Yeah love where are you?" She asks. "I just sent Zayn off im turning the corner into my street now" i say. "Ok love" she says and hangs up.

As i park in the drive way my mom is already there with some luggage. I turn off the car and jump out heading towards her. "Hi mommy" i say hugging her. "Hey pez" she says hugging back. I break the hug and i help her with her luggage as we go inside.

We go into the spare room and put her luggage in there. "How have you been?" She asks. "Better than before" i say. "Are you still vomiting?" She asks. "Nah" i say. My phone then starts to beep. I take it out of my pocket and look at it. Zayn- 'on the plane miss you already xx.'

I smile at the text and write back 'miss ya too my mom's over xx'. He then writes back 'Well i have to turn off my phone love ya and miss ya heaps xx'. 'Ok love i love you so much and miss ya heaps xx' i say back and place my phone in my wallet.

"Sorry mom that was Zayn" i say. "You miss him already love?" She says. I nod my head. "Awe love thats ok. Lets have some breakfast" she says. I nod my head and head downstairs to the kitchen her behind me.


We finish off and put the plates in the sink and sit on the sofa. "So pez i heard you had your make up launch?" She says. "Yes im so excited! Its tomorrow! Then we have interviews then a week later we go to japan and then maybe Australia! And i get to see Zayn!" I say excitedly.

"Wow so were gonna be very busy" she says. "Yep better get used to it" i says. "Oh god" she says. "Oh mom its not that bad. Its gonna be fine" i say. "Alright love" she says.

She then went on her phone and i placed a hand on my tummy thinking about what was growing inside me. Im happy Im becoming a mom i mean ive always wanted kids of my own. But am i too young? I mean Im only 20.

Could i be a mom and be part of the worlds biggest girl group?

Could i handle doing what i love and taking care of my own kid?

I really wanted this kid and i don't wanna lose it. I would never let anyone hurt my baby. Im so happy i have Zayn by my side. But what if one day he just came up to me and said he didn't want the kid?

No he would never do that. I know Zayn more than Zayn knows himself. He loves me and would do anything to protect me. I have to focus on the good and not bad.

Zayn pov

I missed pez a lot. Even though it has only been 10 hours i really missed her. We were landing in Australia now. I really liked this place. It had the best weather.

We finally got off the plane after the long tiring flight and headed to get our luggage. Once we got it we sneaked past the screaming girls into our cars and to the hotel.


We finally arrived and i headed off to my room sitting on the bed leaning against the headboard. I texted pez that we landed safely so she wouldn't worry to much. She probably wouldn't reply since it was like 1am. I started thinking about our kid. I mean was I ready?

Could i handle being in the worlds biggest boy band and be a dad?

I mean pez is also in the worlds biggest girl group so how our we gonna be able to do it ? I wanna have this kid i don't wanna abort or anything like that, but its gonna be one hell of a roller coaster.

I don't wanna have second thougts about the kid. Im 100% positive i wanna have it. I can't wait to

Be a dad. To be able to hold your own kid. Make him smile when his upset. When he falls asleep in your arms.

Ive always wanted that, i know i can do this. I love pez and the beautiful thing that is growing inside her. I was interrupted by my thought when someone knocked on my door.

"Come in" i say. Louis walks in and says "Zayn we have sound check and a show". "Wow thats alot" i say even though I'm getting used to it. "Yeah well you got tonight" he says.

"Yeah mate i think I'm just gonna sleep" i say. "Ok night" he says as he leaves. "Night" i say as i move and rest my head on my pillow drifting off to sleep as i think about my future with Perrie and our baby.


Perrie pov

I woke up with no strong arms around me just an empty spot beside me. I was missing Zayn a lot. I mean we always had times like these, when we are far apart. But for some reason this time is different. Maybe it was that i was pregnant.

But i was so excited. Finally our makeup is gonna be launched today. I managed to get myself out of bed and head to the shower. I loved staying in the warm water. After a good thirty minutes i get out and change into my outfit for the day.

I was wearing a small jumpsuit that came mid thigh that was white and had black lines here and there. I tied my hair back in a pony tail and put on my makeup. I can't believe it. We have our own makeup. I obviously have purple lips.

I grab my phone and head downstairs seeing my mom dressed drinking a coffee. "Ready?" I ask. She nods her head and we leave.

Zayn pov

I woke up with no angel in my arms. Just any empty space. I was missing her more than ever. Maybe i was also missing the beautiful creature inside her.

Anyway today we had sound check and a show. We were supposed to be leaving in a hour. I manage to get out of bed and have a quick shower. I get out in my boxers and wear black jeans with my a hoodie. I was gonna wear my batman t-shirt for the show.

I head to the kitchen and see all the boys sitting there on their phones. "Ready?" I ask. They all nod and we leave.


A/n: sorta a filler chapter. Sorry i didn't really know what to put in here but trust me its gonna get a whole lot more interesting.

If you have any ideas tell me i love using them in my books.

Song quiz!

I want you here with me

Coz right now every thing is new too me

Love you all xx



Beccy:) xx

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