Chapter 12

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Perrie pov

We finally finish off all the interviews and photos and all for the makeup launch. I haven't eaten all day except a small piece of chocolate and little cup of water. I couldn't eat i always felt sick.

I was managing to stay ok. I didn't feel sick or dizzy or anything. I finally arrived home with my mom by my side. I go upstairs and change into something more comfortable. A blue onsie.

I take of my make up and set my hair free. I go downstairs and half way through the stairs i start feeling nauseous. I grab on the rail for support. I start walking down and as soon as i reach the bottom of the stairs i felt dizzy.

I couldn't walk staright i felt pain shoot through my stomach and i fell to the floor clutching my tummy. "MOM!" i yelled before darkness over took me.

Debby pov

I finally relaxed on the sofa with a cup of coffee in my hands. Just as i was about to take my first sip i heard my daughter yell "MOM!". I placed the cup on the table and ran towards the stairs. I saw my baby girl lying on the floor clutching her stomach.

"PERRIE!" I say sitting down with her i place her head on my lap and i take out my phone calling the ambulance. "Hello South Shields ambulance" they say. "Hello please help my daughter screamed my name and then i found her on the phone unconscious. She is pregnant!" I say.

"Ok love tell us the address and were on our way" he says. I tell them the address and they say within 5 minutes they will be here. I stroke my daughters hair as i call Zayn. "Hey Debby what's up?" He says tiredly. He must have been sleeping.

"Zayn Perrie called my name and i found her passed out on the floor!" I say. "WHAT?! Is she okay?! Has she been eating?!" he asks worriedly. "I told her to eat all day but she wouldn't listen! She would say she was not hungry or she would feel sick! Im sorry Zayn!" I say and let the tears fall.

"No no don't blame yourself love. Just call me when she wakes and what happened and if she is okay" he says. I hear the ambulance outside. "Ok Zayn i gotta go the ambulance are here" I say. "Ok keep me updated bye" he says before i hang up.

The come in and take my daughter. I Go with her in the ambulance and cal the girls telling them the story and they said they would be there. I hold my daughters hand hoping everything will be just fine.


Eleanor pov

I missed Lou heaps but Layla was keeping me busy. She was like a sister i never had. We were watching a movie when my phone went off. The caller Id was Pezza<3. I answered immediately. "Hey" i say. "Hello El. Perrie is in the hospital could you and Layla come?" Jade asks.

Pez? Is she ok? "Oh my god is she okay?! Were on the way" i say. "Ok see ya" she say before hanging up. Layla looks at me with a confused face. "Layla we gotta go Pez is in the hospital" i say. Her eyes wide and she runs upstairs. I think to change since were still in our pj's.

I ran up too and got changed. I went to the door standing there looking worried. "Come on lets go" i say taking her hand and we leave.


Perrie pov

I open my eyes and I'm in different room. A really white room and i was wearing this weird gown. I was in the hospital. Why was i here? Oh thats right i fainted. Oh my god was the baby ok? I placed a hand on my tummy and started to worry.

Just then a doctor comes in. "Oh hello Miss Edwards. Well how do you feel?"

He asks. "Fine. Is everything ok?" I ask holding my tummy. "If your worrying about your child its fine. You fainted because you didn't eat anything and your stomach hurt because your child needed some nutrients to be able to grow." He says.

"Well whenever i eat i throw up" i say. "Well I'm going to give you some pain killers you take three times a day after each meal. Breakfast lunch and dinner. Try not to do much active things after you eat though. But you should be fine" he says writing something on his clipboard.

"Here is a prescription so get this medicine after you leave from here" he says handing me a piece of paper. "Ok" i say. "There is family outside wanna see them?" He asks. I nod my head and he goes outside and within a second my mom is rushing through the room. Behind her are the girls, Layla and El.

"Oh my god love are you ok?" My says holding my hand. "Yeah mom I'm fine" i say. They all take a seat in the chairs beside the bed. "Oh thank god we were worried" Jesy says.

"Don't be Im fine honestly" i say. The smile at me and nod their heads. "I told Zayn" my mom said. Oh my god Zayn! He is probably worried sick!

"I need to call him" i say as my mom gives me my phone and i dial his number.

Zayn pov

I was worried sick about her. What if the baby was hurt. Or she or- i was cut off by my phone ringing. Baba<3. I quickly picked it up hoping it was her and not her mom. "Hello?" I say.

"Hey babe" she says. I let out a sigh of relief. She was ok! But what about the baby? "Babe is the baby ok?" I ask. "Yeah its fine i just need to take some painkillers after i eat." She says. "Babe you need to eat ok?" I tell her.

"Yes babe i will talk soon. I miss you and love you heaps!" She tells me. "I miss you and love you heaps as well bye" i say. "Bye babe" she says hanging up. I place the phone on the table. I smile to myself knowing she was fine.

"So she ok?" Niall asked. "Yep" i tell him. "Thats great" Liam says. "Yeah it is" i say.

Layla pov

I was so happy that Pez was ok. And so was her baby. She was so lucky to have Zayn. I had to admit i was jealous of their relationship. Why couldn't me and Harry be like that.

I was inturrupted when someone walked through the door. Katherine. "Oh my pez are you ok?" She asks worridly as she goes over. Some guy in a hospital gown behind her. I took a look at him. No way.

He looked at me and i saw the same reaction on his face. "Ashton?" I say. "Layla?" He says. Kath looks comfused and looks from me to him to him to me. "Who's this?" She asks. "She is the girl i slept with" he says.



- soz for da wait. I GO BACK TO AUSSIE IN 2 DAYS! YES! So i will update heaps! And in starting a new book different to my others. Its called a different kind of love story. I haven't written anything but please add it to your libabry.


Im delayed

Song quiz!

Straight off the plane

To a new hotel

Just touch down

You can never tell

Love you all! Xx




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