Chapter 10

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Layla pov

I ran out and called a taxi. I found one and jumped in telling him the address for the hospital. As he started driving i started thinking about how Theresa was there. She was supposed to help me win him back. But no i saw her today sitting in my spot.

Doing what i should have been doing. I had to forget everything in the time if the surgery. I don't wanna kill an innocent person by thinking of Harry. I mean i was just helping the doctor but what if i gave the wrong dosage or tool or if the tool's dirty.

We arrive there and i luckily had $20 in my phone case as i left my purse at the restaurant. "Im sorry that's all i have" i say giving him the money. "That's ok love" he says taking the money. "Thanks so much" i say getting out and going towards the entrance door.

As i go in the doctor gives me the outfit. I go to the bathroom and quickly change putting my hair in a bun. I wash my hands and then go to the operation room. As we go in there they are giving the patient a mask so they could go in a deep deep sleep.

"Ok Miss Summers this patient has been in a car accident, he had surgery but no he needs another one." The doctor says. I nod my head. I then walked over to the patient and saw a familiar face. No it couldn't be.


Harry pov

What did i do now? Theresa came over when she saw me and she asked what i was doing and she wanted to know more about my plan to win Layla back. Now she has ruined everything. Once again.

"What is with you?" I snap at her. "What?" She says taken back. "I was on a date with Layla and you had to come and ruin it all" i say. "Harry im so-" she starts. "Don't appologize" i say.

"Just leave me alone" i say getting up as i notice Layla's purse. I pick it up and take it with me as i walk outside. I jump in my car and start driving. Surely me having her purse she has to see me. I hope.

I get out and go to my room and start packing since we only had 2 more days before we leave and go on tour. I just hope i can speak to her before i leave.

*Next Day*

I get dressed in grey sweats and a black jumper with a beanie and my black converse. I grab Layla's purse and head outside to my car and start driving to El and Louis' house.

I was just praying she would let me explain. I finally reach there and take a look at myself once more before i get her purse and get out. I knock on the door and wait for someone to open it.

After about 20 seconds Louis opens the door. "Hey mate" he says. "Hey is Layla here?" I ask. "Uh...yeah" he says awkwardly. "Can i see her?" I say. He looks behind the door and mouths something. He then looks back towards me "Yeah come in" he says and moves so I'm able to go in. As he shuts the door i see Layla sitting on the sofa with El beside her.

Layla then looks at me with cold eyes."What do you want?" she snaps at me. "First i wanted to give you your purse" i say placing it on the table. "Thanks now leave" she says looking away from me. "Layla let me ex-" i start. "No Harry! What is there too explain? Every time i think were going good she comes along and everything comes crashing down!" She says looking me in the eyes.

"I don't wanna keep trying if my heart keeps on breaking" she starts. No no no please don't say it. "I don't think we should try anymore. Were done. For good" she continues. I felt my whole world fall apart. She was leaving me. For good. We weren't gonna try again.

"No Layla please don't do this please! I love you so much!" I beg. "Harry its just not working out" she says quietly hugging her knees resting her chin on one of them. "Layla i don't wanna lose you" i say as i feel a tear stream down my face.

"Please Harry just go" she says. "I love you Layla" i say before i leave and go to my car. I held in my tears as i drove home. She didn't wanna try again. she didn't wanna start over. I then finally arrived home and go my bedroom. I lay on the bed and cry and cry my eyes out.

Why Layla? I loved her so much. I have never loved or cared for someone as much as her. She was my everything. The best thing i ever had. Now she was...gone. After everything she was gone. It was all my fault. Even when she slept with another guy it was my fault. I snapped at her before.

I hate my life. I got up and kicked whatever was in my way. A table. I was so mad and upset. I had to try and calm down i had to leave for the tour tomorrow. I had to calm down. To try and forget everything. To try and forget Layla.

Perrie pov

I woke up in the strong arms of the love of my life. This was the last time i was gonna be in his arms for a while. He was gonna be in Australia. Millions of miles away. My mum was gonna stay with me during this time since i was pregnant. I was also gonna be in Japan. Maybe even we will be able to visit Aussie!

I felt him stir behind me and kiss my neck. I turn so i was facing him."mhhh morning babe" i say. "Morning love" he says kissing me. I kiss him back and tangle my fingers through his hair as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Mhh I'm gonna miss this" he says breaking the kiss looking into my blue eyes. "Im gonna miss you too and this" i say looking into his beautiful chocolate eyes. "Im gonna miss you like no words can describe" he says.

"Oh mister romantic is in the room" i say smiling at him. We both giggle. "My plane leave in two hours so we should start getting ready" he says. I nod my head and we both get up changing. I wear one of his jumpers and grey sweats with white low cute converse. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and I'm ready to leave.

I look towards Zayn and see he is wearing black jeans with a grey jumper and a black leather jacket with black vans. He was looking at his passport. "Babe ready?" I say. He closes his passport and places it in his carry on bag and puts in on his back. He takes my hand and we head downstairs.

As we arrive near the door his two suitcases were there he takes one and i take one. We head outside and too his car and place the bags in the back and sit in front. We rode in silence just interlocked hands.


We get out getting his bags interlocking hands and going to the depart area. As we arrive we see all of the guys and their girlfriends here even Layla and i saw Harry watching her like a prey.

We give his bags to Paul and he hands them to the guys to put it on the plane. He then wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzles his head in my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck and nuzzle me head into his neck.

"Im gonna miss you so much" he says moving his head to look a me. "Im gonna miss you too babe so much" i say back. "I want you to call me everyday or text me if i don't answer. Let me know how you are and the baby" he says placing a hand on my tummy.

"Zayn mate we gotta go" Liam says hugging Danielle. "I love you pez stay safe" he says. "I love you Zayn have a safe trip" i say back kissing him with everything i had. "Bye babe" he says.

"Bye babe" i say as he lets go of me and walks off. He joins the boys as they go off together and i join the girls. Just before they turn a corner so we couldn't see them they wave to us. I wave back to Zayn he smiles at me and they walk off.

I hug my tummy as me and the girls walk off. I was gonna miss Zayn so much. I already did.



: hope u enjoyed it! I tried adding in some Zerrie but trust me from now on its gonna be Zerrie and maybe a tinsy bit and i mean a tinsy bit of Payzer but mainly Zerrie

Oh and I'm sorry if i haven't been putting your names for song quiz answers its just that the internet connection here is bad so i cant reply or even see your messages half the time in a week time when i leave and go back home I'm gonna give a shout out to everyone who answered or just even commented and I'm gonna read one of your books and promote it

Thats a promise.

So please answer them.

Song quiz!

Your all i want

so much its hurting

Love you all xx




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