Chapter 8

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Eleanor pov

I just stood there shocked. He was actually proposing me. He started to look worried maybe thinking that i would say no. I love him so much. I snapped out of thoughts and smiled. "Yes" I say. His smile become wider and wider. He took the ring and slipped it on my engagement finger.

He then stood up and hugged me tight. "I love you so much Eleanor Calder" he says. "I love you so much Louis Tomlinson" i say kissing him with passion. He wrapped his arms around my waist and i ran my fingers through his hair.

"Let's go home" he says. I nod my head and take his hand as we ice skate to the opening section and get out putting out shoes back on. We go in the car and i manage to get in with my fluffy dress.

"Were we going now fiancé" i say. He chuckles and places a hand on my thigh. "Babe were going home. If you know what that means" he says waggling his eyebrows at me. "Oh i do" i say winking at him.

He chuckles again and he drives home with wide smiles on my face. "Should we tell everyone?" I say. "Yeah now?" He asks. "No when we get home" i say. He nods and turns into our street. He parks the car in our driveway and opens the door placing a hand out to me.

I take his hand and we walk out and into the house. As soon as we step he shuts the door and crashes his lips to mine. I break the kiss and say "Before we get too sexual let me tweet about it" i say.

"Ok babe" he says. He hugs me from behind and gets my phone. I cover my mouth with my left hand making sure to show it off. He kisses my cheek and i hear the photo being taken. I post it on twitter and say 'its happening xx love you babe @Louis_Tomlinsion

"I'll tweet too" he says and gets out his phone. I watch him as he tweets.

@Louis_Tomlinsion: so in love with my fiancé xx

I smile as i send the tweet and i place it on the table. I turn around and kiss him with everything i had. He runs his hands up and down my body and i run my hands through his hair. We break apart and i say. "You mean the world to me Louis". I place my forehead against his and he says "You are my world El". I smile at him and kiss him again.

Nothing could ruin this moment. I was as happy as ever. I had the boy i love in my arms. My soon-to-be-husband. I tug on his hair lightly and runs and hand through my hair. He asks for entrance and i gladly let him in.

With another hand he tries to find the zipper for my dress. He finds it and and starts to unzip it. Halfway through it gets stuck and he moans annoyed. I break away from him and manage to unzip the dress.

We both laugh quietly and i smile at the boy of my dreams.

Perrie pov

This pregnancy was killing me. I always felt sick. It has only been a week and a half. I would wake up in the middle of the night and throw up. I didn't eat much cause i knew it would always come back up.

We were sitting on the sofa watching a random movie i had my head on his lap and he was stroking my hair with his hand. "Ow" i say. "You ok babe?" He asks me. "I need to call my mum maybe she can help" i say sitting up and getting my phone from the table.

I start calling her as i lay my head on Zayn's shoulder and he strokes my hair. "Hey pez" my mom says. (M-mom p-perrie)

P- mom this pregnancy is killing me. I always wake up in the middle of the night and throw up and im always getting cramps.

M- oh honey. Drink some tea with honey and go to your doctor he will give you some pain killers.

P-oh ok thanks mom

M- hey pez do you want me to stay with you

P- maybe in a months time

M- oh ok love well i'll talk to you soon bye pez love you lots

P- bye mom love you lots too

I hang up and place my phone on the table. "Babe can you make me some tea with honey" i say. "Ofcourse" he says kissing my head and getting up. Within 5 minutes he comes back with a cup of tea in his hands.

"Thanks babe" i say taking it from him as he sits next to me draping an arm around my shoulder watching the tv. I take a sip and i already felt better. I finish it off within minutes and place it on the table."Felling better?" He says. I nod my head and lay my head on his lap "Pez babe we gotta talk" he says turning off the tv.

"Whats up?" I say moving my head so i could look in his eyes. "Well we have only less then a week before we go back on tour. Then i'll be away for 2 to 3 months. You will be launching your makeup and album and all so the time will fly by fast. In that time i want your mom with you or Kath" he says.

2-3 months! How am i gonna survive that long without him. Now that I'm pregnant! OMG! I just remembered about Kath! "Oh my god babe we have to go see kath!" I tell him. "Ok lets go but will you have someone with you while I'm gone?" He says helping me get up as he stands up.

"Babe of course i'll call me mum tonight" i say. "Lets go to kath" i say. He nods my head and takes my hand as we walk off.


We arrive there and i go into the room.

I knock and open the door. "Hey kath" i say. "Hey pez. I wanna apologize about yesterday i didn't mean to hurt you like that" she says. "Thats ok hon i understand" i say.

She gets up and wraps her arms around me. I hug her back and she tells me "what would i do without you Pez?". I break the hug and look at her "I have no idea" i say. She giggles and hugs me once more. I was glad to have my best friend back.


A/n: soz short but my charger broke and i couldn't charge it for three days today i got a new one and im also going somewhere that has wifi. Bear with me im overseas and i cant post alot. I go back home in a week time so ill post alot more there

Song quiz!

Ive been all around the word

Seen alot of faces

Love you all xx



Beccy:) xx

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