Chapter 30

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Perrie pov

"W..what do you want?" I asked shaking looking at the rock in her hand. She slowly drops it her eyes still on me with a smug smirk on her face. "To make your life hell" she says. "W..why what did i ever d-do?" I ask fear going through my body.

"You didn't do anything" she says sounding like she was on the verge of tears. But why? "Are you ok love?" I ask. The first sentence i said to her without stuttering. A few tears stream down her face. She has cracked.

"Come in love" i say wrapping an arm around her shoulder and taking her inside sitting on the sofa with her crying in my arms. After a few minutes she looks up at me her eyes bloodshot. "Whats wrong love?" I ask.

"Its quite a long story" she says wiping away a tear. "Im willing to listen" i say. She smiles and begins her story.

"When i was 7 my mom passed away because my father..he shot her while he was drunk one saturday. I watched it and heard it all from inside. Once my mom was gone he heard my cries and tried to hug me. Luckily the neighbors came just in time and saved me. They then took him away to Jail. He killed himself before he was locked away. My older sister was abused by him, but never told anyone. She told me when were put into foster care. No one wanted me for ten years. Ten years i stayed in the fucking foster home. My older sister Lena blue eyes like my mothers and blonde hair like my mothers. So she was a winner and left the foster home within a few weeks. Me getting my dads look, brown eyes and black hair no one wanted me. I lost touch with my sister after two years. I miss her so fucking much. When i was 17, last year someone finally took me in their home. They acted motherly and fatherly to me. But they adopted me to be a..a.. Stripper at there underground club. After a few months i couldn't stand it anymore so i ran away. Ive been leaving on the streets for about a year. I throwed that rock at you because you have the perfect life. You have amazing job, amazing friends and family, a Fiancé who loves you to death. Im sorry i was jealous. What do i have? Nothing."

By the end of her life story i was in tears. This poor girl went through all this. And here i am having everything and taking it for granted. "Perrie please don't cry" she says. "I can't bare to think you went through all that" i say wiping away a tear.

I then think of an excellent idea."Why don't you stay with me?" I ask. Her eyes suddenly light up. "R..really? That would be amazing!" She says hugging me i hug back with a smile on my face. She breaks the hug and smiles at me.

"I feel so bad about hitting you with the rock" she says. "Love its okay we all make mistakes not everyones perfect" i say. She smiles at me. "If you want you can have a shower" i say. "Really thanks but could you show me around?" She asks. I nod my head and give her a tour of the house meeting the pets along the way. As she goes into the bathroom i hand her some clothes and she smiles at me and closes the door.

I head downstairs and call Zayn telling him what happened.


"Stay safe babe love you" he says. "Love you baba bye" i say. "Bye" he says and i hang up. He didn't take it too well at the begin but once i explained what happened to her he quickly understood my kindness.

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