Chapter 4: It's Just a Bite

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"Well well well, look who we have here. The children of Hades and Zeus themselves. If we kill you, Hera will be very pleased with us." Says Stheno. 

I wasn't quite sure how I knew their names, but I did. My instincts took over, and I ducked behind a tree. I opened the backpack, and inside, was a sword, a dagger, and a lot of other things. I appealed to the dagger, and took out the sword for Alex.

"Alex!" I shout. He looks over, and I throw him the sword. He catches it. I find a mirror. I pull it out. 

"Well, its been nice meeting you, I'll be on my way." Say Alex, breaking into a sprint. I follow. I hear the gorgons screeching, they are much fast than us, and I trip on a tree root. 

"Vera!" Screams Alex.

"Go!" I say. He winces, as Medusa jumps on my back. 

"No." He says, raising his sword.

"Go, they'll turn you to stone!" I yelp. Just then, the forest goes dark, Alex, raises his hand, and points at the two gorgons.

"What are you doing boy, we are immortal, you cant kill us." They sneer.

"No, but I can send you to where you belong." He says. Behind him, a humongous flock of crows comes flying in, pecking and snapping at the gorgons. They scream in agony, as the crows peck at their eyes. Crows are associated with death. Hades, is the god of death. Something bites my arm, I scream in pain. I writhe on the ground. Medusa gets off me.

"My bite will soon kill you. I'll see you in Tartarus, young one." She smirks, and runs off into the forest, pulling the two now eyeless gorgons with her.

"Vera!" Screams Alex, running towards me. I drops on his knees. My arm feels like its sizzling off, I sit up, my head dizzy.

"Your arm!" He says.

"It's just a bite, Medusa doesn't have venom in her teeth, does she?" I ask.

"I don't know." He says.

"So son of the god of death, eh?" I say smirking, ignoring the pain. 

"Actually, hes the god of the underworld. There's a big difference." He says. 

"Sorry." I say.

"Its fine, come on we have to keep moving." He says.

"Lets see whats in the bag first." I say.

"Ok, I'll keep watch." He says. A crow lands on his shoulder, and he rubs its head with his finger. 

I open the bag, and pick up a letter. 

Dear Vera,

in this bag, are many things you'll need in your travel. I have given you a dagger, and a sword. Choose one. A mirror, in case of encounter of gorgons. Ambrosia, in cake form. Only take the smallest bites to heal wounds, or it will kill you. Water. Food. Clothes. Drachma, ancient Greek currency. A map. There are many ancient hidden places you may not know of. They look inconspicuous, but you will need them through your travel. And finally, Vera, I have granted you a present for your eighteenth birthday. A magic eagle. Aetos Dios. This is the "Eagle of Zeus."  He was my companion through out many wars, a messenger, and a way of travel. To call him all you must do is look up to the sky, and let out shrill cry of an eagle. I have trained him to respond to your call. He is now yours. He eats meat, I've packed some for you. Treat him with respect, he was a high king before Apollo turned him into the noble eagle. Happy Birthday.  Follow the map. Stay alive. 


"Hey Alex, apparently Zeus gave me his eagle, want to test him out?" I say grinning.

"I hate heights." He says. 

"Good." I say. I lift my head up, the blue sky high above me, and tried to imitate an eagles call. A shadow passed over the ground, and a giant eagle landed on the ground. I bowed to it, and it bowed back. I approached it slowly, and stroked its beak. 

"Hello, I'm Vera. Do you mind taking us to, um.." I look at my map, in glowing gold letters it says, Saint Johns.

"Saint Johns?" I ask. The eagle lets our a coo, and spreads its wings. I smile, bow, grab my backpack, and Alex's arm and jump on the birds back. 

"To Saint Johns!" I yell. We lift off. Alex wraps his arms around my waist. My heart flutters, but I ignore it.

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