Chapter 17: Rocky Day

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We were allowed to grab a snack at the dining pavilion after. I didn't need food, I needed to be alone. I went to the cabin and fed Copernicus.

Control your self... A voice rang through me head. 

I shook my head, trying to get the thought out. I look in the grand mirror, my hair was now beautiful silver snakes, and I didn't have the urge to remove them. The framed my face, gently nudging my cheeks. I was interrupted by a knock on the door. 

"Good job today." Said Nico. 

"Thanks." I say, removing the armour, the boys dagger clatters to the ground as I take off my skirt. I pick it up. 

"I need to give this back, can you help me?" I ask.  Nico nods. I slip on my high tops and walk out.  

"Are your snakes batting their eyes at me?" He asked, a smirk on his face. 

"Maybe they like the king of death." I respond giggling. He shakes his head. I got a lot of stares but honestly I'm used to it by now. I reach the dinning pavilion and scan the area. I see him, he's being yelled at by no other than Josh. 

"Hey, jerk face, go pick on someone your own size." I say. He sees me and starts shuffling back. 

"What is it too- toothpick, you, you friends with Sammy Wammy?" He snorts, but he's tense, terrified. 

"No, I came to bring his dagger back. Get lost or I'll turn your meaty head to stone." I say. He glares at me and then walks off. 

"You're name is Sam?" I ask sitting down on the ground and crossing my legs. Sam pulls his knees up to his face and nods. 

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. You were really brave today, I saw. Here, have your dagger back." I say, laying it on the grass in front of him. His arms slowly unwrap from his legs and he picks it up observing it. 

"What's its name?" I ask the little  boy. 

"Sotiria, Greek for 'Salvation'." He responds. 

"I like it, keep it close and safe." I say, ruffling his black hair. I got up, brushing the dirt off my pants. 

"I didn't thank you for teaching me sword fighting! If you didn't teach me then, I probably would've died today."

"Not a problem." He said. My arms were sore from all the swinging, but it was a nice pain. The campfire was in the middle of all the cabins. There was no designated seating so I just sat as close to the back as I could. We spent an hour singing and reviewing tomorrows schedule change. When everyone left, I walked over to Chiron. 

"Hi, should we talk about the prophecy now?" I ask. 

"I supposed, come to the Big House." I followed the centaur in and sat down on the old couch. My snakes relaxed, laying their light little heads on my shoulders, taking a nap. What cuties.

"You showed exemplary skill on the battle field today Vera, and I appreciate you giving Sam's dagger back." He said. I didn't ask how he knew.

"Now lets talk about this prophecy." He said. A girl walked in, her hair crazy red, freckles speckled her face and piercing green eyes. 

"You sent for me?" She asks. 

"The prophecy, my dear Rachel. We must hear it." Said Chiron. She nods, sitting across from me, closing her eyes, relaxing. When they re open they glow, like fiery orbs of green. 

"The oracle of Delphi speaks!" She rasped not in her voice.

Eleven moons for the maiden fair,

the one that walks with silver hair. 

Eleven moons to save her soul, 

 and save her from the deathly toll. 

By good the spell must be undone,

By three children or else by none.

One of Hades, one of Zeus, 

one of Posidon must tie the noose. 

Every moon, her power shall wane, 

Every moon she'll suffer in pain.

Eleven moons to save her soul,

 and save her from the deathly toll.                         

                                                                                * * * * *

A week laterI woke up groaning. The morning bell rang clear in the cold winter air. It was the last week of February. Thalia had left camp to return to Artemis and Jason was already up and somewhere else. The prophecy rang through my mind. I put on my camp t-shirt and my black ripped jeans and my eagle jacket on. My hair was normal again, and waved softly down my back. After putting on some shoes I walked off to the dinning pavilion. My table was empty, but that didn't bother me. I enjoyed solace. Hot chocolate appeared in my chalice and warm oatmeal with breakfast sausage on my plate. I ate slowly, staring down at my plate and picking off my black nail polish which Piper had generously done for me. I went back to my cabin, putting on my battle armor on, for sword and shield training. I was always sore after this period but it got my rage out, while archery calmed me down.  I always partnered with Nico for sword fighting. 

"Hey Nico." I say, picking up a gladius and shield from the shelf at the armory. 

"Morning, ready for my to kick your ass?" He asked. 

"Whatever death king." I snort. We go to a empty space in the muddy trampled field. The leader from the Ares cabin was explaining today's lesson, frisby. Sounded ridiculous at first but the concept worked like this. You throw your shield at your partner who then attempts to catch it. If you hit them down, it's your point, if they catch it, it's their point. I sheathed my blade and took hold of my circular shield. I threw it with both hands and Nico caught it, but stumbled back a bit. 

"Damn, you've got a hard throw." he said. I roll my eyes. 

"Hit me!" I yell at him. He tosses the shield and I caught it no problem. This continued for at least forty minutes until we became extremely competitive. It was 7-7 and I was determined to win. I focused my strength and flung it, but my focus was too hard and it turn to rock half way through tossing it and it knocked down Nico, sending him sliding across the mud. 

"That's cheating!" He yells, but I'm already laughing my ass off. Just then the Ares cabin head Clarisse walked by. 

"Did you just turn that shield into stone?" She asked, eyes wide. 

"Um, yeah sorry." I say biting my lip. 

"I hope you realize no magic is allow-" She began but Nico cut her off.

"It's not magic, it's just an accident. She hasn't learned to control it." He said.  

"Control what?" She snorts. 

"This." I say, without thinking grabbing the rusty gladius and clenching it turning it to stone. I dropped it, breaking it in half. 

"How.. detention! You destroyed a shield and a sword. You'll be-"

"Clarisse!" The voice of Chiron booms. She flinches. 

"There is no need for rash actions, the sword was old and the shield truly was  a mistake, Hephaestus cabin can make ten more." He says, walking over. She glares at me a storms off. 

"I'm sorry." I say frowning. 

"Be careful Vera, you could have done worse than that. You have to control the gorgon in you." He says. 

I nod, the bell rings and I try to escape as fast as I can. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2014 ⏰

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