Chapter 3: Awkwardest moment of your life

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Yay! We're on to chapter 3! WUPEEE

As you can probably tell, I'm in a good mood. And this chapter is dedicated to angelhearts1234 for supporting me from the very start! Love you!

Ok, now that that's done, let's just get on with it!

Brooke's POV:

I knocked on the door once, and counted up to six seconds until it opened.

"Mrs. Jamesson," I greeted, smiling, "How are you?" 

She just blinked at me for a few long awkward moments and then said, "Brooke? Is that really you?"

I smiled and nodded. "I couldn't recognize you! You look so beautiful! Well, not that you weren't beautiful before but just look at you now! You're a total knockout." She told me, winking.

Wow, it felt so weird when grown ups tried to talk like kids. I just smiled and thanked her.

She shook her head, "Still as polite as ever. Come on, Jamie's upstairs."

As I followed her up the stairs I couldn't help noticing how this place hadn't changed at all. Everything was exactly the same as it had been two years ago.

I looked up and froze. The wall was full of framed pictures. I saw myself at the age of six, wearing a swimsuit, with a cute guy my age who was grinning a toothy smile at the camera. Next to it was a more recent picture, me, the boy and Jamie playing in the sandpit. The one beside that was the most painful. It was taken the year, in fact a month before I left. I was dressed in a cute white dress but that wasn't what I was looking at. The boy, same as the one in the other two pictures had his arm around my waist and we were smiling.

I closed my eyes, Damian. 

Mrs. Jamesson had noticed I had stopped and came and stood beside me, "He was never the same after you left." She whispered to me. I bit my lip and thought, what am I doing, thinking about the past? I have to learn to forget.

"So," I said, making my voice extra perky, "Where did you say Jamie was?" 

Mrs. Jamesson gave me a sad smile, "In his room, I think you know where it is."

I nodded and walked up the rest of the stairs alone. Calm mind Brooke, I told myself, Keep your mind calm.

I stopped outside his door and knocked, "Jamie? Can I come in?"

"Who is it speaking?" Came a muffled reply through the door.

I smirked, same old Jamie. "It's a surprise." I said.

"Am I going to like it?"

"Just open the door you silly boy!" I said, rattling the doorknob.

The door flew open, hitting me on the face and causing me to fall hard on my butt.

"Who are you?" The eight year old boy looked at me with a raised eyebrow..

I got up and dusted myself dramatically, "You don't recognize me Stumpy?"

His eyes went wide at the nickname, "B-Brookie?" 

"The one and only." I said, smirking, "Now let me in."

Without a word, he opened the door and I walked in and sat down on the Storytelling beanbag. Yes, we used to name the furniture, so?

"You don't look like Brookie." Jamie told me, eyeing me suspiciously. I rolled my eyes, "Oh? How bout you ask me anything about yourself and then we'll see if I'm Brookie or not?" I challenged.

His eyes lit up, "Okay! What's my favorite color?"

"The colour of chocolate." I said automatically.

"Favorite food?"


"Favorite thing on bread?"


"Favorite TV show?"

"Tom and Gerry."


"Aren't you convinced yet?" I groaned, running my hand through my hair.

His eyes lit up, "You are Brookie!" He ran and sat down on my lap.

"Oof, you've become heavy, squirt," I grumbled, trying to push him off.

"Hey!" He said grumbling and he fell onto the ground, "That hurt!"

I laughed, "Man up stumpy!"

He looked up at me, his eyes glowing, "Pillow fight?"

I smirked, "Pillow fight."


"Okay, I surrender, truce! Stop it!" I said, giggling uncontrollably and Jamie tickled me mercilessly. He stopped and grinned, "Yay! I'm the king of the castle!" He sang loudly, fist pumping the air.

I groaned and tried to get up, "Okay fine, now stop gloating."

He stuck his tongue out at me. "That's it." I glared, lurching for him but he moved out of the way and I fell of the bed just as the door opened.

I was going to get up when I heard a very familiar voice saying, "Harassing the babysitter again Jamie?" 

I froze, this could not be happening to me.

"Damie!" Jamie said and run to hug his brother.

Where do I hide? I thought as I looked around frantically.

"So who's your newest victim?" Damian asked.

"She's a surprise!" Jamie said, bouncing happily. He ran to me and pulled me, "Come on!" He whispered to me, "Close your eyes!" He ordered his brother.

"Really? We're doing this?"Damian asked before obediently closing his eyes.

"Jamie no please-" I started pleading but Jamie pushed me onto Damian with a flourished, "Tada!"

I awkwardly stumbled into Damian's arms and he caught me and opened his eyes.

His eyes widened, and his lips parted.

I found myself looking into the bluest eyes, with were a cyclone of emotions.

"Brooke." He whispered, barely a whisper.

"Damian...I..." I started but he shushed me.

He looked at me, memorizing every inch of my face, my cloths, my shoes. 

I suddenly felt conscious, I felt like he was scrutinizing me.

"I-" He started to say but I didn't let him finish.

"I'll get you something to eat Jamie." I said, racing down the stairs, letting the tears flow down my face freely. How could I have let this happen to me? Gosh, I had been so stupid! All I was doing was letting myself get hurt...again.


I was busy assembling a jumbo nutella sandwich when I heard Jamie say, "Awkwardest moment of your life, huh?" 

And I couldn't help but agree.

Ok, there's Chapter 3 for you! Don't you just love Jamie? Cuz, I love Jamie...and Nutella.

Nutella for all!


P.S. I'm still not sure whether there's wifi where I'm going, but I sure hope so!

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