Alright, I've neglected this story long enough!
And I am so darn sorry for it, I've just been having a small writer's block with this story but I am back now, I promise you!
Also, my exams are finally over so I can partay!
I woke up with a content feeling, everything was alright for the time being. Mrs. Jamesson was going through chemotherepy, and Damian and Jamie were living with us.
I sunk down in my sheets and chuckled, remembering the awkward conversation we'd had in the hospital the previous day.
He sat up, bewildered, but then he looked at me, "Brooke? Thank god you're awake!" He exclaimed, running in to hug me.
I blinked, "Sorry, but who are you?"
He froze, and I swear, I could see the colour leaving his face.
"What do you mean, who am I?" He demanded, "You can't forget, Brooke!"
I blinked, "I'm sorry, I don't seem to remember."
"I'm your boyfriend!" He yelled.
Boyfriend, eh? I internally smirked, this could get interesting. I'd interrogate him about that later, but right now I had to keep my act on.
I blinked and then scrunched my nose, "Boyfriend? You? Nah, I think I prefer the blonde hair, green eyes type." I said, deliberately describing Josh. "Oh, and a crooked smile with a dimple on one side! I think I'm going to faint." I said, fanning myself.
"You...I...He..." Damian sluttered, his face turning red.
That was it for me. I burst into a stream of hysterical laughter, tears streaming down my face. Soon, I was lying on the floor, clutching my stomach and panting.
I got up, clutching my stomach painfully, "You're so easy Damie!" I grinned as his eyes widened as the truth of the situation finally dawned on him.
"You didn't." He said finally.
I smirked, "I just did."
He shook his head, "I can't believe you."
I innocently twirled a strand of hair around with my finger.
"Now, what were you saying about being my boyfriend?"
"I uh. well." He stammered, "You know..."
I grinned, "No, I don't know."
He narrowed his eyes, "You're enjoying this too much."
"That, I am." I laughed and then patted the seat next to me.
He slid into the bed next to me and I snuggled next to him, resting my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me.
"So, how's Emily?" I asked finally, realizing that he wasn't going to give me any answers about the whole boyfriend deal.
"She's great, actually. She's going through chemotherepy, and the blood you gave her really helped." I bit my tongue, uh oh.
"Speaking of which, what the heck were you thinking Brooke?" I didn't need to look at him to know that he was frowning, his voice always went an octave higher when he was.
"I was thinking, I was helping your mom." I said, quietly, finally looking at him. His gaze soften a bit as he looked down at me.
"I know." He admitted, "But if something happened to you, I'd never live with myself. My mother wouldn't either."

The Chronicles Of Us
Teen FictionBrooke Chase is your average girl, nothing in her life has ever been crazy. She has two loving parents, two best girl friends, a slightly overprotective brother, and best of all, a guy she can trust with her every secret. She couldn't be more conten...