Chapter 18: You sound like a certain donkey from Shrek

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"Where are you taking me Damian?" I asked indignently, annoyed at the prospect of having a piece of cloth covering my eyes.

"Now why in the world would I tell you that when I could torture you by keeping you in the dark?" My annoying yet adorable boyfriend replied, and I could here him chuckling, the jerk.

"I've decided I don't like you anymore." I informed him, "So I suggest you untie this blasted piece of cloth before I do something drastic like break up with you."

He had the nerve to laugh, "You agreed to be my girlfriend." He reminded me, "No take backs."

I grumbled some more but finally gave up, deciding no one could win against this boy

He had been in a good mood since the doctor had called us and told us that they had found a marrow doner for Emily, and had confirmed she would live for three more years at the least.

After being shooed away from Emily's bedside, Damian had come up to me and asked me on a date. I knew it was going to be good for both of us, so I agreed. Yeah, but like I would ever say no to him.

Once I said yes, he didn't even let me change, just dragged me to his car, and tied me up.

"We're here." He announced finally and I realised how long. Had been daydreaming. "Finally." I grumbled and tried to take off the blindfold but he smacked my hand away, "Not so fast." Making me groan.

"Just a few more minutes." He said, before helping me out of the car and leading me inside some sort of building. He didn't le me go until I felt a seat under me, and he said, "You can take the blindfold off."

I yanked it off and noticed we were in a cinema hall, "What are we watching?" I asked him. He smirked, "I'm not telling but I'm pretty sure you're going to like it."

I glared at him for his lack of information and looked away, pouting.

He sighed, "Don't be that way, love. Look, the movie's starting. I was thankful for the dimmed lights because otherwise Damian would have seen the blush that had arisen in my cheeks at the mention of him calling me 'love'.

The movie started playing and I practically jumped out of my seat, "Is that-?"

"Shh!" Came noises from all around me as I saw Shailene Woodley's face fill the screen.

Damian Ethan Ryder had taken me to see The Fault In Our Stars.




"Have I ever told you how much I adore you?" I gushed as we exited the dark cinema hall two hours later.

Damian rolled his eyes, "Love you too sweetie."

I sighed at how Damian could say he loved me so easily, but it wa so difficult for me. I'm not sure I loved him yet, but at this rate it was going to happen soon.

"I can't believe you cried." I teased him.

"I did not!" He argued, though it was half hearted because we both knew the truth.

"Don't worry, I like how you're not afraid to cry in front of me and you don't always act like a macho man."

He rolled his eyes, "A macho man? Really?" He asked me but I could see that he was pleased, "Are we going home now?" I asked him.

"Do you want to?" He questioned, looking at me.

"Not really." I admitted, because truthfully I was enjoying myself.

Damian breathed out in relief, "Good, I was hoping you were going to say that. Get in the car and let me put the blindfold on."

I groaned, "You just ruined the whole thing."

He smiled and played along, "The whole thing?"

I smiled at him, "We were getting along so well too."

He groaned, "Aww man. Now get in the car."




Damian drove for over an hour, "Hurry up already." I snapped at him for the five hundred and sixty eighth time that evening.

He ignored me.

"Can I take of this blindfold?"


"Are we there yet?"

Still nothing. Then, "You sound like a certain donkey from Shrek."

I smirked, I knew he couldn't shut up for more than a few minutes. Then I felt the car turn and move back, before moving in front, and then back again.

He was parking.

"We're here!" I yelled and started doing a happy dance in my seat.

I could feel Damian roll his eyes through the blindfold, "Come on impatient."

He grabbed my hand and led me away from the car.

Then his hands left me. "Damian?" I felt around for him blindly, until his hands circled my waist, "Are you ready for this?" He asked me, his warm breath fawning my neck and making me shiver.

I nodded, and managed to croak out a throaty "Ready." Before he untied the blindfold from around my eyes.

I opened my eyes to the most beautiful view ever. There were hills to one side and a small town on the other. And in between them, as perfect as a picture, was the sunset.

I turned around jn his arms, overwhelmed, and pressed my lips against his to show my gratitude, my love.

He responded, pulling me closer and knotting his hands in my hair. I don't know how long we stood there kissing but when we broke apart, the sunset was gone, replaced by a starry sky.

I pressed my nose against his and whispered, "I love you."




AN: So guys, sorry for the slow updates, I hope you enjoyed. Love you guys!


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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