Hey guys! So I just posted a new story called The Accidental Cheerleader and I would love love love it if you read it! It would mean a lot to me! Please please please? I can really see that story going places. Please please please?....PLEASE?!?!
Dedicated to justanordinarygirlx!
*Flashback- Two Years Ago*
'We'll miss you Brooke and Branton' said the big banner. "I can't believe we're actually leaving." I whispered to Branton and he held my hand tighter.
"I know." He said back, "I'll sure miss this place."
Just then Bree came running up to us. "Brooke!" She gushed as she pulled me into a tight hug, tears trailing slowly down her cheeks. I hugged her back, squeezing her shoulders gently. Bree never cried, so I felt a little touched that I meant that much to her.
"Hi Branton." Branton said sarcastically, expecting to be acknowledged. Well, too bad for him.
"I'll miss you." Bree sniffed against my shoulder. I shoved her playfully, trying to lighten the mood. "Hey, no getting snot on my shirt." I teased. She frowned at me, "Funny." She mumbed.
"Here." My brother pulled a tissue out of his pocket and handed it over. I raised my eyebrows, "Where did that come from?"
My brother shrugged, "I know you girls, I figured there'd be tears tonight." I rolled my eyes playfully at my brother, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in my stomach.
I sighed, "I might need one of those tissues too." Bree gave me a sad smile and then suddenly said, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Damian gave me this to give you." She handed me a crumpled piece of paper.
My hands shook as I read it,
Come to my room the minute you get this. We need to talk.
I sighed and pocketed the note, this was the moment I'd been dreading. "I'll see you guys in a few, alright?"
I walked up the stairs as slowly as possible, trying to delay the moment. I reached his door and sighed. 'You can do this' I told myself as I turned the knob, 'Just get it over with it!'
What I saw when I turned that fricking doorknob is something etched in my brain forever. Savannah had Damian pushed against the wall.
They were kissing.
My stomach knotted as I let out a gasp. Damian saw me and his eyes widened as he pushed her away.
I couldn't see this anymore. How could I have ever lived under the dilusion that someone like him could ever like me.
How stupid could I be? I bolted down the stairs and out of the house, ignoring Damian, who was shouting my name.
I was never going to see him again, and for the first time, I didn't mind.
*Flashback over*
I bit my lip as the same scene as two years ago unfolded in front of me. Savannah was sitting on top of Damian on a bar stool and they were playing a very vigorous game of tonsil tennis. Tears threatened to fall. How could I've let myself fall for him for the second time?
"Hey." Came a voice from behind me, "Brooke?" I turned around to see Josh Harrison walking over to me with a mug of beer in his hand.
"He's wasted." He muttered at he looked over at wgat I was seeing. "He's wasted, and she's not."

The Chronicles Of Us
JugendliteraturBrooke Chase is your average girl, nothing in her life has ever been crazy. She has two loving parents, two best girl friends, a slightly overprotective brother, and best of all, a guy she can trust with her every secret. She couldn't be more conten...