Guys I am so sorry, it's almost been a month since my last update. Geez, I feel terrible. But you guys have to believe me, this year is so much harder than I thoulght, and my mom's made it clear that if I don't have an A average, goodbye wattpad.
So I've been studying...sort of.
Brooke's POV
"What do you mean, sing to me?" Damian yelled, his arms tightening around my waist, "You're not dying damnit!"
Emily made a mock disapproving face, "Language, young man!"
I snorted at him as he pouted, but he soon grinned when he saw my smile, "What do want us to sing?" I asked Emily.
"Sing me that song you sang in the talent show in fifth grade." She said, before exploding into a fit of hacking coughs. I jumped out of Damian's arms and ran to get her a glass of water.
"Thank you dear." She croaked after gulping the water down, "Now go on."
I didn't have to rack my brain to remember what song she was talking about, and by the look on Damian's face, he didn't either.
He cleared his throat and sang,
"Do you hear me? I'm talking to you
Across the water across the deep blue ocean
Under the open sky, oh my, oh baby I'm trying"
I reminded myself that this was not the right time to get lost in his voice and sang the next few lines.
"Boy I hear you in my dreams
I feel your whisper across the sea
I keep you with me in my heart
You make it easier when life gets hard"
We sang the next part together.
"Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Ooh ooh ooh"
Emily had fallen asleep by the time we finished. I felt Damian's hand wrap around mine and he gazed at me with adoration ringing in his eyes. "Nothing has really changed in six years, has it?" He asked.
"Well," I bit my lip, "I moved away-"
"And then you came back."
"We fought, twice."
"But you forgave sorry ass."
"It seems like a lot of stuff has happened, but we ended us right where we started." I stated.
He looked at me, "I'm happy some stuff will never change."
Confused, I asked, "What do you mean?"
"You and I." He said softly, "We'll always be you and I."
"Are you trying to turn me on by trying to quote one direction?" I asked him.
"Is it working?"
"I think it is."
A sudden urge of confidence oozes through me and I lean forward into him, our noses touching.
"It always works." I whispered, giddy at the thought of being so close to him. He inhaled sharply as our noses meet and then smiled at me, gently picking me up and placing me on his lap.

The Chronicles Of Us
Roman pour AdolescentsBrooke Chase is your average girl, nothing in her life has ever been crazy. She has two loving parents, two best girl friends, a slightly overprotective brother, and best of all, a guy she can trust with her every secret. She couldn't be more conten...