Plans Made

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"Have you seen the new kid?!" Shelby said excitedly. "Yes I have. He's actually in my fifth period" I said. "What? No fair!!! Let me guess, what does he sit beside you to? " she said. I stood their with a smirk on my face. "Actually, he does." I answered. Her jaw dropped and her thoughts went crazy. She had a thing for him and was jealous of me but a guy wouldn't get to her that bad. I mean she has Cameron and would never betray him. She just stood their with her mouth open and was stairing at me. "What?" I asked. "Nothing...guess I'm just sorta jealous." she said. Of course I knew that her feelings and thoughts were exploading with jealousy. I laughed. "What's so funny? she asked. Whoops! I laughed out load. "You're jealous. I can see it in your eyes." I said. "Okay maybe a little. We better get to class or else we will be late." she said. I laughed again then followed her to sixth period.

Jake was actually in our sixth period to. I smiled when I saw him. I mean he is pretty cute. Like every other class we did the same. Found out who the teacher is and what we will be doing this year. I could feel someone looking at me so I turned around and Jake was looking at  me. He waved at me and smiled. I also waved and sorta blushed. "Looks like someone has their eyes on you." Shelby whispered. "Shut up. Why would anyone be interested in me? I'm not pretty." I replied. "Don't say that you aren't beautiful...and why wouldn't he be interested in you? You have pretty, long, black hair, cute little freckles, beautiful blue eyes, and a pretty good fit body...that you hide under hoodie twice your size. You're beautiful. Trust me." Shelby said. "Thanks Shelby" I said. "Welcome" she said.

Later on at the end of sixth while I'm at my locker Jake walks up to me. "Hey" Jake says. I jump back. "Sorry umm Hey Jake" I said. "Haha um do you umm do you want to uhh hang out sometime?" he asks shyly. "Uhh ya sure! Just tell me when and where and I'll be there" I say as I give him my number. He smiles, takes the number, and says "How about this Friday at the cafe around nine?" "Sure!" I say while smiling. "Great...I'll uhh see you tommorow." he says. "See you tommorow" I say and right when the bell rings for the end of the day to. "Goodbye" he says. "Bye" I say and go meet Shelby in the parking lot. I then see Jake ride off on a motercycle. "I have got to tell you something!" I say with excitement. She smiles and her thought go wild at what it could be. I tell her everything on the ride home. She gets excited and when we get to my house we both do a little girly squeels. and then sya goodbye. I then go inside up to my room, plop onto my bed, then turn on my ipod and put in my earphones.

The week goes by fast and it's soon Friday and I'm kinda nervous but still excited. Superisingly I get no head aches today. It's now the end of the day and I get into the car with Shelby. "Uhhh Shelby?" I say. "Yes?" she answers. "I have no idea what to wear!" I say nervously. Knowing that Shelby has had many dates before I know that she will help me...mainly because she is thinking it. "I'll help you!" she says excitedly. We soon get home and Shelby looks at me with a look of excitement "Lets get you ready!"

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