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"By the wrath of the Gods, I will rip out your heart old woman!" Queen Kara said as she let out an ear-splitting scream. Her face was as pale as the sheets she laid in. Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead; her snow-white hair clung to her face, and her breathing came out in heavy pants.

"My Queen I would advise against that because I am not going to deliver the child and you will let no other Midwa touch you except her..." Said her best friend and Nikata, Hanasi, as she continued to whip her forehead with a damp cloth.

"You're doing fine my Queen. You're almost there," Queen Kara heard the Midwa say in a soothing voice. Queen Kara snarled hotly at her. She wanted to rip the woman's throat out. But Hanasi was right; she would let no other Midwa touch her because the old woman's hands were said to the hands of the Goddess herself.

"Just give me one more strong push, my Queen." Kara nodded weakly. She squeezed her eyes closed tightly, gritted her teeth so hard that it made her teeth ache, and pushed as hard as she could. One, two three. Kara chanted as she continued to pus with all her might. It felt like someone was ripping her insides out. She was starting to become light-headed; her head swooned. When she could no longer push, she let out the breath she was holding. Soon enough Kara hears the cries of her newborn child.

"It's a girl, my Queen," The Midwa said. Kara smiled weakly. She wanted nothing more than to hold her child, but the Midwa had to make sure that she was healthy. All the while the young princess screamed for her mother.

"Ten toes, ten fingers, lungs are working fine..." Queen Kara was getting more frustrated by the minute. She wanted her daughter and she wanted her now!

"Well, may I have my daughter?" Kara snapped. She heard the Midwa give a small chuckle.

"Of course, my Queen," When the Midwa put the newborn into her arms, the child was quieted instantly. Kara could do nothing but stare at her newborn daughter. She was perfection. Her skin was slightly pale, her hair had dark to light shades of blue, and her eyes were just as blue as Kara's. Striking royal blue, that can captivate those who gazed into them; they use to say to Kara when she was just a child.

Kara held her newborn daughter closely to her chest and kissed her forehead tenderly. The child gave her mother a smile that strongly resembled the king. Kara could feel the tears beginning to flow slowly down her pale cheeks. She knew this would be the last time she might hold her daughter. She quickly whipped the tears away. This was not a time for sad tears, this was a time to rejoice, a new life has been born into this world; her daughter, she had reminded herself.

"My Queen," Hanasi asked quietly watching the two of them with sorrow and happiness in her eyes. Kara looked over to the Midwa.

"Send for my mate and then leave us." The Midwa nodded and quickly walked out of the room and shut the door behind her quietly. There was a heavy silence in the room. Neither women spoke a word. The tension was beginning to thicken in the air and the child, seeming to sense that something was wrong, started to whimper softly.

"Shush my sweet child there is no need for your tears," Kara said cooing her daughter.

Hanasi laughed softly and Kara looked at her oldest and most trusted friend in confusion.

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