Chapter 10

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And we might have to do the same one day, but let's not think about that now... Ula said through the bond. I was on the bed as I turned to face the door. She stood there, in between the doorway. Her eyes fixed on me.

Techa is right. We deserve happiness too. We have given a lot of ourselves to our people and our family; do we not deserve something for ourselves? You want his touch just as I want Blaze's. You want to hear his voice in your ear, see his smile. Don't lie and say that you don't. All we are doing is meeting them. We decided if it will be more than that.

I nodded. Looked at my Panpad that laid right beside me. Taking I breath, I picked it up and replied to the message that Prince Flame had sent me.

What time?

After some minutes, it bussed. The message read:

What time can you slip away?

Late. Possibly after midnight


I could almost see him giving me that smile he had given me in the club. After a moment, it buzzed again.

I didn't think you would have contacted me. I prayed to the Gods that you would.

I almost didn't.

What changed?

My friend and Guardian made me reconsider.

Well, I'm glad that did. I must go. Will you answer my messages throughout the day, if I sent any?

I will try.

Then till we talk again my Flameooka.

I frowned and shook my head. Don't think more of this Luna, it's only a meeting. I thought. Then there was a knock at my door.

"Enter," I said.

One of the servant girls poked her head in before walking in and bowing at her waist. Her light blue hair, falling a little in front of her. She was dressed in what all the servants wear. A long sleeve shirt, with flare sleeves and pants that hung loosely but comfortable on her. It was all in a unified dark blue. Almost black.

"Princess Lunatris?"

"Yes? And there is no need to bow." She stood straight again.

"Of course, Princess Lunatris, King Kenalie request your presence." I nodded and as she was leaving I realized I didn't know her name.

"Wait what is your name? I don't believe I've seen you before." She blushed.

"Forgive me Princess Lunatris, my name is Lasha, I am new here." I nodded again, and she was gone. I made a mental note to look her up. It was rare that we get new faces here. Also, where was her instructor, there was always one where there was a new face to teach them the ropes

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