Chapter 7

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He was shorter than Rain but taller than me. He was lean and heart-stopping gorgeous. His hair was a deep red with streaks of a fire red, it was spiky in the front, eyes of liquid amber, and his skin was a dark tan. Just like the rest of his people.

Rain and I leaped to our feet snarling at him, he held up his hand.

"Now, now, little Princess, we're in neutral territory, no need to be so bloodthirsty." A deep growl rose in my chest, before sitting back down. Prince Flame was from our rival planet. The feud between our bloodlines went decades old. To say that tensions were high was an understatement, and before I realized it, another one of my guards were next time to him and his people in seconds, I could sense the others weren't far behind.

"What do you want?" I snapped at him. He chuckled.

"You come to a new opening club, dressed like that, I might add, and you wish to be left alone? I highly doubt that." He said sitting in the chair across from me. I glared.

"Leave now," Rain said with a snarl stepping closer to the prince. As he did so, his guards stepped closer as well. Prince Flame frowned and looked Rain up and down slowly as if he were sizing him up for a fight. He looked passed Rain and looked at me.

"Didn't know the powerful Princess Lunatris needed guarding," He said calmly. As he shifted his eyes back to Rain.

I scoffed. "Could say the same."

"So, Princess Luna... Why did you come here? It's obvious that you didn't come here to have fun. Not that it shocks me much, your kind isn't known for much of that, right? So, that means-"

"If this wasn't neutral ground, I would have killed you for that comment, baslkoo," I snarled at him. If looks could kill...

"My apologies. I didn't mean it." He sounded sincere.

"Right like we can believe anything that comes out of your kind mouth," one of my guards said growling.

"You watch your mouth you filthy-"

"Enough!" Flame snapped at the man turning to him. But before he did, I could have sworn I saw his eyes flash.

"Leave us," He said in a tone that held no room for discussion. He turned back to me, calmer now, waiting.

There was a deep silence, even while the noise in the club bounced around us.

"Return to your dance partners," I said, watching Prince Flame. They began to protest.

"I wasn't asking. Go." With final looks of loathing toward the prince. They left, but not before Rain looked him dead in the eye and said.

"If one hair is out of place, I will end you Fire Enka." And with that, he walked away, looking for a dance partner. I doubted he would have to look very hard.

Then Flame suddenly stood. I watched him carefully, making sure he wouldn't try something.

"Dance with me." He said holding out his hand. I looked up at him, his amber eyes boring right into my soul. I shiver.

"No, thank you," I said sharply.

"I am not talking 'no' for an answer." He said with his hand still out and that intense gaze. We stayed like that for a few more moments before I gently lifted my hand and placed it his. I don't know what possessed me to do something like this, but I couldn't stop it. Was it to just entertain him so he could leave me alone or was it his staring that forced my body to move? When my hand touched him, it felt like a heat began to work its way through my body. I gasped silently.

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