Chapter 19

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"Princess Luna," A small girl said. I looked down at her and smiled. Today I was helping with the orphans. I needed to get out of the palace for a while. After what happened last night, I couldn't sleep, and looking at my sibling's faces became too painful right now. I placed the small needle and fabric in my hands on the table and turned to the small girl.

She had a heart-shaped face and big smoky blue eyes. Her darker blue curls hung down her past her small chin. Her dark eyelashes blinked up at me. I kneeled so we were eye level.

"Yes, little one?" Then she did something that shocked me. She hugged me. Her little arms squeezed me tight as they could; a moment later I could feel her shaking. The poor thing was crying. I picked her up and held her to me tightly.

"Shush, little one, shush," I said as I rocked her back and forth. She only cried harder. I was a total loss. I didn't know what to do. I looked around for Ula for help and found her consoling the small girl's Guardian. I sighed and started to think. Then a thought came to my head and I started rubbing the little girl's back soothingly and started to hum softly then starting to sing low and calmly:

Hush now, my moonlight, my darling, my starts

Sleep as you're locked in my arms

Sleep and remember

Through troubles unknown

That I'll be with you

Then after a moment, her crying stopped. But still, I hummed the lullaby that my mother had recorded for me. Hanasi would play the song when I was just a baby. When I knew she must have fallen asleep, I pull her back a little, just to check. She was sleeping peacefully as if she didn't have a care or worry in the world. Slowly, I got up and walked into the nearest bedroom and placed the small girl on the bed and tucked her in. Ula came up next to the bed. Caring the small girl's Guardian in her mouth tenderly and placed her by her Keeper. The small girl let out a whimper and I turned back immediately, in case she had woken up. She didn't. I walked back over to her and kissed her forehead and moved a few curls out of her face.

"Mama..." She whispered. I flinched slightly. I hurried out of the room quietly, careful not to wake her. I closed the door softly and put my back against it and slid down and put my head in my hands and wept for the small girl or for myself I wasn't sure. How many people it left, parentless, childless, how whole families were whipped out all because the Gods could be as cruel as they were kind. It broke my heart. There are somethings a child should never have to go through. That one thought made me think about my own childhood and the things I suffered with. How fast I was forced to grow up. How much blood I alone have already spilled throughout my life. Life should never be like this. We were not created to suffer so...

"Lunatris... are you alright?" Someone asked me. The voice was soft. Careful, not to upset me and approached me cautiously. I looked up through my blurry vision and saw Rain standing over me. His face full of concern and worry, gently he bent in front of me; careful to mind Ula who was in front of me curled up in a ball and whimpering quietly and pulled me into a tight hug. I don't know how long we stayed like that. With him holding me tightly. He didn't say anything, just held me, and that only made me break down more.

I sobbed openly and loudly into his chest. He had been my first friend; he had always been there for me when I needed someone in my corner. He would do anything I asked of him, without hesitation. He had been the brother that Lach, wasn't at times. It had taken Lach years to accept me as his sister. He knew all my secrets, all my fears. (Well mostly all of them), in a way. He was there, like the constant moving of a tided. I knew that I could count on him whenever I needed him. He didn't ask me any further questions just rubbed my back and held me.

He waited till I calmed down finally and pulled back, kissed my forehead and brushed some hair out of my face. His face was very serious. But even though his face was serious, I could see the burning rage in his eyes.

"Whoever is stupid enough to make you cry, will pay dearly for it, I swear, Luna..." His voice was low and held a dark and coldly. It sent a shiver down my spine. I took his hand in mine.

"Don't go all Mookoo on me, Rain. No one made me cry but me. So, unless you want to make me pay dearly..." I said with a weak smile. His serious and dark face was gone in an instant. Replacing it with a raised eyebrow and a goofy grin to match.

"I think I can take you." He said halfheartedly. Now it was my turn to raise an eyebrow.

"I know a perfect place we can go and spar." I grinned at him. He eyed me for a minute and shook his head.

"No thank you, warrior princess, I'm crazy, not suicidal." I gave him a fake hurt look.

"Are you saying that I would kill you," He rolled his eyes.

"No. I just don't feel like getting the zoack kicked out of me," I huffed and punched him in the arm playfully.

"What are you doing here," I asked him.

"Could as you the same thing," He countered.

"I needed to get away from my family for a while. What is your excuse?"

"I was dropping off clothes and things for the children." He said. Standing, he held out his hand for mine.

"Are you ready to go?" Nodding I take his hand and he lifts me with ease and I bounce on my feet. 

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