Chapter 1

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I resisted the urge to bang my head against the desk.

I knew the class was important, and that my father would probably skin me if I missed it. But everything in my body ached to be outside and feeling the wind on my face, and not in these four walls.

We could always make a run for it. Ula said in my mind. I stifled a laugh and cut my eyes down at her. Her snow-white fur gleamed in the sunlight that was pouring in through the windows. Her massive head rested comfortably between her paws.

If only we could. The old woman would catch us before we stepped out of the door. I said through our shared link. Ula was my Guardian. My Protector. And I was her Keeper. Everyone who is born with our kind of blood has a Guardian and a Keeper if they do not... Well, that's a story for another time.

She is what is known as a Wallee. A giant dog so to speak. She may look harmless but with her razor-sharp teeth and claws, along with her quick reflexes makes her one of the deadliest of animals on this planet. Not to mention she can change her size from being four feet high to ten in the blink of an eye. However, generating that much amount of power takes a lot out of her so she stays in her smaller size. This is the animal she has chosen as what we like to call as Resting. Meaning she fines this skin the most comfortable for her. She like all other Guardians can change into any animal they desire. She turned her eyes large eyes up to me. Exactly like my own eyes, a deep royal blue, and flashed me a toothy smile.

Might be worth it.

Before I could reply, our teacher, Lady Yumay, addressed me.

"Princess Lunatris, is there something you and Princess Ula would like to share on the migrating patterns of the Chingo's?" She said slowly, and her tone almost sounded like a taught. Almost. Because Lady Yumay would never want to disrespect a member of the royal family. I sighed and turned my eyes toward her.

"Not at all Lady ­­­­Yumay," I said before turning my eyes to the window again. It was lovely outside and I would love nothing more than to go train. Honestly, I've already learned this lesson, and she knows this. But somehow, she convinces my father to make me stay. The pressure in the room was getting too much and all I wanted to do was go outside. Once I made up my mind. That was it. I was going. I stood up and she looked at me with conviction.

"Going somewhere, Princess."

"Bathroom," I said shortly and walked out, Ula following close on my heels.

"Well, in that case, you wouldn't mind taking you guards with you." She said in a sly tone. Gritting my teeth, I nodded and continued walking. I could feel they're the presence on me like a shadow, and when we got far enough, we ran.

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