Chapter 9

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Growling low in my throat, I walked over to Techa's side of the bed and shook her awake. She looked up at me with a frightened expression before it became irritated and drowsy.

"What?" She asked stretching out the word in a whiny voice before yawning and plopping her head back down on the pillow.

I glared down at her.

"Why does my enemy have my Panpad code?" I snapped. Her head shot up now wide awake.

"Now Luna, don't get so mad. I did it-"

"I don't care why you did it! The point was that you gave away my private information without my knowing. And to my enemy no less, what were you thinking, Techa?"

She sat up slowly, glaring at me as she did so.

"Do you think me stupid?" She asked. The sleepiness leaving her voice, replaced with anger.

She grabbed my wrist and pulled up the long sleeve that I had worn to bed. There against my pale skin, bore Prince Flames mark. Bright as a flame itself, I snatched my wrist away from her.

"I saw the look in his eyes. As I saw that you would not meet them."

"He is my enemy!" I nearly shouted.

"That does not matter! What matters now is your heart! Your kingdom has taken a lot from you. Your innocence, your sanity, and if you are not careful, you entirely; and what do they give you in return? To maybe take the life of a man that you should embrace with love and force you to kill him if the time should ever call for it. It is time for you to decide if you will be a queen who makes her own path. Or a queen who allows others to make her path for her."

"You don't know what you speak!" I said turning away from her. I heard her rise from the bed and place a hand on my shoulder. I stiffened at her touch.

"You don't think I haven't noticed. Do you not remember that we have been friends since we were but children? I knew you before you were taken. They took you because you were the princess. And when you returned, there was darkness in your eyes that I hadn't seen before. You think I hadn't noticed when I would sleep over some nights after a hunt that day, that I don't hear you call out for forgiveness for the lives you took? That darkness grew when you went to do the things that no young girl should have to do. And now there is coldness in you. One set of time and the horrors of which you have faced. The things you do for your people, the horror that not even your own father knows about, you face, with only Ula by your side. You are merely a shell of the girl you once were before you were taken to that slave ship so long ago. Before your father noticed the power, you held. But when you came to my aid, there was a spark in your eye. Not of rage, but a fire that only a mate can provide. He is your way out of the darkness that is dragging you deeper. And he may be the only one to save you from it. For once, do not think of your people. Think of yourself.

"Plus, I noticed the look you had given that princess when her eyes fell upon your mate. You looked ready to kill her. And if it hadn't been neutral territory, I believe you would have. I also believe you would have killed me too. You nearly strangled me with my own shirt." She said softly.

That night I could not stop thinking of Techa's words. Back in my mind, they were true. I knew that I was no longer the girl I use to be. But time changes everyone. Doesn't it?

"Luna, you and Lady Techa came home earlier than I expected," Father said as I walked into the dining hall. I bowed to him and said hello to my family.

"Yes, well-" I started.

"The fault was mine. I had got into an argument with a girl there and Princess Luna thought it might be best if we return for the evening." Techa said behind me. Bowing to everyone and sat down beside me. Breakfast was quite today. And for that I was thankful. I made a silent prayer to whatever God would listen and hoped that Techa kept her mouth such about last night.

"The club itself was fun, however, it seemed to get a lot more exciting when Prince Flame came to the club last night..." I inhaled harshly. That had struck my family's interest.

"Is Prince Flame as handsome as they say?" Nix said with a girlish squeal. I took a quick look at our father to see his reaction. He was too busy reading over something to pay any attention to us and I prayed to the Gods it would stay that way.

Techa laughed. "Oh, is he! That boy could rival the sun itself." I gave her a hard kick under the table. She glared at me.

"Dark red hair that begs to be played with, eyes that capture your soul. And a body-"

"Techa!" I warned.

"Did you say that Prince Flame was at the club last night, the very club you and Luna had gone too?" Father asked.

The Gods really do hate me... But he wasn't looking at Techa when he said this. Instead, his eyes bored into me.

"It was neutral territory Father; there was nothing to be done about it," I said quickly and began to eat my breakfast once more.

"Did you know he was there?" He demanded.

"He made his presence known." Was all I said.

"And you did not think it would be important to tell me when you had returned?!" He was angry now. I gave Techa a look.

"It was late. Plus, we had already left. Like I said, it was neutral territory, I couldn't have done anything, and neither could he."

"And what would you have done if she had?" Hanasi asked, peering at my father over her cup.

"There was nothing that could have been done, that Luna would not have done herself. It is a new day. Let us focus on that." She said returning to her meal, but not before giving me a quick wink; one to Techa as well? I frowned but did not comment on it.

After breakfast, we all went our separate ways. I was to take Techa to a ship so that way she could return home. Before she boarded the ship, she hugged me tight and whispered in my ear for only me to hear.

"Don't forget what I said. Your happiness counts too." Then she boarded the ship, along with a guard to see her safely there. I watched the ship till it was no longer in sight and went back to my room. Thinking about all that Techa had told me the night before and just now. I took my Panpad off my desk and reread the message from last night. Would I go? Did I want to see him? I knew the answers to one of those questions. I don't even know why I was freaking out so much, just because the mating mark is on my skin, didn't make us mated. It was just showing that we belonged to another and might stay with them we might go. The only way to truly tell if someone is fully mated is when their marks merge to become a whole new mark and it would be vivid and bright in color. Right now, my mark was just their like it had been there since birth. It would not disappear until I rejected him. And it would not fade, only a full mated mark would do that when one mate has died. I bit my lip.

But then again I did want to see him again. I wanted to feel his hot touch on my skin. It was like I had finally seen the sun for the first time and longed to see it once more. To feel its heat. He's heat upon my skin. To feel his lips on mine was like breathing for the first time. I only had a taste of him and my body yearned for more. But my mind told me that it was foolish and dangerous to do so. He was the enemy. He could not be trusted. He'll kill my people... My family. Me.

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