Chapter 21

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The club music bounced loudly down below us. But I paid it no mind. All I wanted was to be in the arms of my love. Who was currently behind me, while I sat in his lap. He twirled a small silver ring in his hand.

"I just don't know how your friend Techa does it..." He says softly, holding me a little tighter. I snuggle against his chest. I thought it best not to mention this morning. I didn't see a point to.

Or maybe you don't want him to get angry with you. Ula said at my feet. I almost kicked her.

"I don't know how she does it either, I try to ask, but most of it just goes over my head." Techa, who had been extremely sorry about the whole club incident. Had decided to make us holographic rings to disguise ourselves in public. All we had to do was slip them on, Pick the kind of disguise we want and say a voice command, and it did the rest. We had yet to try them out though. We wanted to wait, both a little afraid, that maybe, just maybe it might not work. Or it will work. Suddenly a small noise disturbed the silence, making us both jump. Searching into my pockets, I took out the small device out of my pocket. I looked at it, and Rain's face popped into view. Getting up, I walked away from Flame, making sure that he wasn't in the view of Rain.

"It's Rain, I have to take this," I said to Flame before answering. The moment I did, I was greeted by the sight of a half-naked Rain.

"Luna," He said with a goofy grin. I rolled my eyes.

"Where is your shirt?" I asked trying not smile along with him. There have been many times where Rain and I have seen each other naked, as children and older, he always did have a habit of strolling around naked.

"What's wrong, blinded by all this?" He smirked and rubbed his chest slowly and slowly down to his well-toned abs. I would have smirked if I hadn't caught the intense look in Flame's eyes. Instead, I chuckled and shook my head.

"Your father is looking for you," He said in that tone, that was only meant for trouble.

"Did you tell him where I am?" He shrugged.

"I did, after I could speak," I bit my lip and turned away, trying my best not to blush, and it only made Flame's eyes angrier.

"So, he told you," He scoffed.

"Told me? No. Threated me? Yes. Something about me every hurting his daughter and I would feel the worst pain this life has to offer," He says with a lifted eyebrow. I sighed and looked up to see Flames blazing eyes almost glowing with anger and his hands smoking, and a snarl ripped through the air.

Rain, paused in his teasing to frown deeply.

"What's going on Luna, are you alright?" My head snapped back down to look at him.

"Yes, that was just Ula, something must have annoyed her," I lied, hoping to the Goddess that it worked.

"Right," he said unconvinced.

"Anyway, mind telling me what it was about, I mean it's not every day the king threatens someone because you fell in love with them." He said and there was something in his voice that I couldn't identify. But Flame must have because now his hands were a full blaze and he mouthed the words, HANG UP, to me. I had never seen him so angry. As a matter of fact, I've never really seen him angry at all. Irritated yes, but never angry.

"Rain, I'll talk to you about that when I get back," I said before hanging up on him. The moment I did, Flame was advancing toward me, and a small, very small part, was afraid. He packed me up until I was on the rail, much like the first time we met.

"Explain," he snarled out. He slammed his hands on the rails, trapping me in. I didn't like it. Not the way he was acting, talking, and the way he felt as if trapping me, was a good idea. Forming ice on my hands, I shoved him away. My own anger coming to the surface. When my hands met his chest, steam irrupted for the contact. Snarling I kept advancing on him, and I saw a moment in his eyes where he wanted to strike me, so I struck him. My fist connected with his jaw so fast that he was stunned by the motion, making him lose balance and fell on his ass.

He looked at me stunned for a moment, and he scowled and swept my feet from under me. However, I recovered quickly, and I was on top of him, my rage taking hold of me and I began to punch him in the face, using both of my fists. The thought of being caged again sent me into a state of panic, and my mind blurred between right and wrong. All I could see is him, and my sense of self-slipped. I could feel Kida pushing at her barrier and I could hear her screaming at me to stop, along with Ula. Both screaming at me, but they too were trapped in my state of madness. I was losing myself to the darkness that was constantly pushing to take control and I couldn't seem to stop it.

Suddenly, I was flat on my back my arms pinned above me and my legs locked in place. There was someone shaking me hard, trying to get my attention, but I couldn't focus. After a few more shakes, there was a searing pain of heat against my wrists and I screamed, arching my back from the pain, tears sung in my eyes as my world came back into focus.

"Lunatris!" Flame yelled at me, searching my eyes. He sighed when he saw that I was finally back from my dark place and rolled off me and pulled me into his lap. His face was bad. That was my fault, I knew it, and it only made the pain on my wrists worse.

"Oh, thank the Gods," he breathed and hugged me to him. I kept apologizing for how sorry I was, that I didn't mean it. He only told me that it was his fault that he had overacted. No, it was mine.

"I shouldn't have caged you like that. I heard what happened to you as a child. But when he was talking about how you loved him, I just lost control. Forgive me, Lulu, please say you'll forgive me." He said into my hair rocking me back and forth. Begging for forgiveness wither it was for me or for himself, I don't know.

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