Chapter 12

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I frowned and shook my head. Don't think more of this Luna, it's only a meeting. I thought. Then there was a knock at my door.

"Enter," I said.

Lasha poked her head in before walking in and bowing at her waist.

"Princess Lunatris?"


"King Kenalie request your presence." I nodded.

I walked into the clave room; a place where all the elders and other leaders met. All eyes were turned to me as the doors were opened. I bowed my head to my father, who was sitting at the head of the table. All the elders of the other tribes stood and bowed to me. Some with discontent; I merely shrugged it off. It seems that the news of the fire prince has reached them.

"How nice of you to join us, Princess Lunatris," I turned. And there stood Jalark, my father's top adviser. He was dressed in a deep blue robe, with light cynik trimming, which was a dark golden color, making the blue a richer, brighter color. His solid blue hair was slicked back, and his hazel-blue eyes stared at me with something I couldn't read. I repressed a snarl. I didn't like that man. He always gave me the feeling that he was up to something. Cyltie didn't like him either, and she had told me that neither did my mother. My father refused to get rid of him. He took the spot right behind my father's chair, standing tall and righteous.

"I didn't know you had slithered out of your hole, Jalark, how nice to see you again," I said sharply. My father sighed and shook his head.

"Luna, please try and be civil." I bowed my head again, signaling that as my answer.

"Of course, Father." Then went to go and take the sit to his right, which was always mine.

The meeting went on as it usually did. Talk of the tribes and their concerns about the Fire Enka. For the most part, it went on as normal; that was until Jalark spoke.

"And let's hope that our most beautiful Princess Lunatris, doesn't fall for the Fire Enka's prince." My head whipped toward him. "Or how she already? From what I heard the Fire Enka had to come to her defense." He gave me a sickening grin.

I narrowed my eyes at him. Then with a flick of the wrist, I had an ice dagger on his throat.

"Perhaps I am out of practice; maybe I should use you for practice. What do you say Jalark?" Inching the blade closer to his throat, smirking. He eyes met mine with such fury, that it threatened to burn me alive.

"Lunatris!" My father barked. I cut my eyes at him quickly enough to see the seriousness in his eyes. Sighing, I let the ice dagger liquefy and fall to the ground into a puddle of water. Jalark was breathing heavily and glaring at me with a promise of vengeance. I raised an eyebrow, taunting him to try it. My father stood and faced him. The glare was quickly placed with fear.

"If you dare to make such accusations, Jalark, I suggest you have the proof to back them up, or I will put your life in my daughter's hands and look for a new head adviser." He said and left the room. We all bowed as he left. Before I left I throw Jalark one more smirk. My father stood just outside the doors as I too made my exit. His face was far from pleased.

"It wasn't my fault, this time, Father, he provoked me," I said defensively. He nodded.

"Yes, it was his fault, but he does have a point Lunatris. There are rumors Lunatris, rumors I can simply not ignore. If the time comes, I need you to be ready to put the fire prince down." If it weren't for my years of training, I would have flinched from my father's harsh words. I said nothing, and luckily, my father took the silence, as one of understanding, and left Ula and I be.

What are we going to do? We can't kill them! They are mates! Ula told me through the bond panicked. I wince. Her voice is too loud in my head.

"We will deal with that when we come to it, Ula." I hold her. Saying no more as I began the walk to somewhere she could be alone with her thoughts.

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