Chapter 23

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Tonight, I had asked Flame to meet me at the club. I didn't know what to do about Rain, but I also knew that telling my jealous mate about it, would not be such a good idea. We sat at our usual table. Away from everyone in a quiet corner. I didn't say anything, and he didn't either, which I was grateful for. I watched as aliens of all species danced, chatted, and got drunk together. I envied them for a moment. Most of them could love who they wanted, marry who they wanted. But no, because of a feud, that happened so long ago, that no one remembers how it even started, I cannot be with the one I love. How is that fair? Why must the Gods bless me one moment, then curse me the next? What had I done, to earn such cruelty?

Flame touched my shoulder, I turned to him. His amber eyes filled with concern.

"Lulu, is there something the matter. You haven't said anything for most of the night, and now you have this angry expression on your face. Will you not tell me your burdens?" He says to me, cupping my face with one hand. I touch his hand.

"Does it not anger you?" I said harshly. He was taken back for a moment but recovered quickly.

"Explain." He says. I made a swiping motion with my hand out to the crowd.

"Look at them. Most of them can love whoever they see fit, but not us. We are forever stuck in a box, being told who to love!" I almost scream. He sighs and looks at them for a long moment, I thought that he would not say anything at all.

"Of course, it makes me angry. So, very angry, that sometimes I want to burn my home to the ground or makes me wish I was born on the same planet that you were. But no matter how angry I get, it won't change a thing. It won't change that we are from to different worlds, it won't change anything, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Because it makes it more precise. This love, though some see as wrong, might be the most real thing anyone has ever seen." He said now looking into my eyes, tears swelled up in my eyes, and I kissed him slowly, letting the heat from the kiss till it was a blazing fire that no one could contain. He pulled me closer, deepening the kiss, his hand was fire hot on my waist, my hand grabbed a fist full of his hair. Suddenly, everything when dark, and Flame and I broke apart; jumping to our feet.

We must get out of here. I said to Ula

On it. I already see a way out. She said brushing her fur against my leg. Flame held my hand tight in his, we only took a few steps, before everything went black.


One thing I knew, was that we were no longer at the club, and I was laying on a hard, cold metal floor. I tried lifting my eyes, but they were far too heavy to lift right now. So, I laid there trying to focus on the sounds around me. Crying and scream were what I heard the most. Fear ran up my spine. There was only one place that could feel me with such despair.

"Lunatris, are you alright?" Flame asked. I felt his warm hand touch my arm. That's when I noticed how heavy my breathing hand become and how much the panic was trying to set itself in. Shaking my head, I opened my eyes and found Flames amber orbs staring right into my own blue ones. His eyes told me all I needed to know. There were full of angry, fear, and worry. Every fiber of my being told me that we needed to get out of this ship, as soon as possible. But first I needed to know where Ula was. I couldn't feel her presence through the bond and it was truly troubling.



Ula, can you hear me? I need you to answer me?

Still nothing.

"I can't seem to contact Blaze either. Also, we are in some sort of cell, but I can't access my fire. I think the collars have something to do with it." Flame said through gritted teeth. That made me force my eyes open to look at the rest of him. There was indeed a collar. The same collar I remember from my childhood. I looked up at Flame wildly. I used all my strength to raise myself off the floor and run over to the bars that glowed a blinding blue. The moment I touched the bars, I quickly jerked them away. My hands hissing the moment it made contact. I screamed and backed away from them, right into Flame.

"Luna, are you alright?" He asked taking my hands in his. They looked bad from the burning of the bars, but I didn't care about that, all I cared about was getting us all out of here. I looked at something to grab. I found nothing. There was no escape...all this time.

Slowly I started to back myself into the corner, bring myself into a full-blown panic attack, I rocked back and forth in the corner, cover my burnt hands over my ears and slamming my eyes shut. The memories were starting to come back, all the pain, fear, anger, hopelessness started to come back like a flood and all I could do was whimper in the corner paying to the Gods to release me from it or kill me. All while my mate tried to pull me back into the light.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps approaching and I knew it could only be him...

The footsteps stopped right outside our cell and I knew, not from Flames growling, not even from my own fear. I knew because there was only one man who could make the darkness into a being, and that was him.

"Well, well. Looks like my little moon flower has finally returned to me. It's been a long time, Chena, and I know we're going to have some much fun now that you're back where you belong." I screamed.

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