Chapter 14

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It was dark now, and I was sure that everyone in the palace was asleep. It would be easy to sneak out now. Putting on a black hooded cloak over my more light and airy pale blue dress, I was ready to meet Prince Flame. I nodded to Ula and she nodded back, and she slipped through the crack I left in the door then, I slipped through and softly closed the door behind me. We quickly made our way to my ship and boarded quietly. It was a good thing that I someone put in a new engine; otherwise, the whole palace would have heard us take off.

We rode to the club in complete silence. Which I didn't really mind, both our minds were raising a thousand miles a minute.

I pulled into a parking spot and jumped out of my ship, with Ula closely by my hip. Like last time we walked straight to the front of the line. The bouncer took one looked at us, then slightly flinched before letting us pass. Once we entered the club, I could feel the music pulsing like a heartbeat. The song that they were playing was almost enough to get me swept away with the music, almost. I moved through the crowd like water, not really wanting their sweaty bodies on me.

Finally, we made it to the balcony. The cold breeze felt good on my face. The stars were shining bright tonight. And the moon in all her glory shined brightest of all. It was peaceful, despite the noise behind me. But soon that too faded, and all was left was the quietness of the night and the moon and stars above. I heard the double doors open and close softly. I didn't turn around. I still didn't when I felt, his hot breath on the back of my neck. I shivered in what can only be described as pleasure.

"You came," He said softly.

"I said that I would," I said trying to be cold and detached as possible.

He wraps his hands around me and I push myself away from him turning toward him.

"Do not touch me!" I snapped. I regretted it the moment he looked at me with that hurt expression. "As you wish," He said softly.

The silence hung in the air like a thick blanket. Both of us had so much to say, yet neither of us could speak. The silence seemed deafening and as if it would last years upon years, till he spoke.

"Why did you come?" He asked me. He wasn't looking at me, rather the moon as she shined down on us.

"I told you-"

"That you would; yes, I heard you. But now you're here. Do you plan on becoming mates? Do you plan on rejecting me and ignoring the fact that I am your mate? Exactly why did you come?" He asked.

"Because... because..." I stopped short. Why did I come? Did I want to mate with him? Did I want to reject him? In my heart, I wanted to do both.

"I don't know why I came," I finally admitted. Finally, he looked at me, and my breath caught in my throat. His smother amber eyes bored into me, and it felt as if I had just been punched in the gut. I didn't- no, couldn't look away from his eyes. They seemed to capture me, and they were not willing to release me from their hold anytime soon. Is this how he got women to fall for him, with just a glance? I shook my head and looked away.

"Do you know of a place called Earth?" He asked me suddenly. I frowned before nodding.

"Yes, I'm currently studying them. They have a very interesting way of life, even though it is still primitive."

"Do you know the story of Romeo and Juliet?" He asked me quietly. I looked at him finally. He was studying me. I snorted.

"Yes, I know the story. I also know how it ended. The two fools took their own lives." I always found the story of Romeo and Juliet... well stupid. Two star-crossed lovers born into two feuding families found each other and instead of living without each other, they killed themselves so that not even in death, would they ever be apart. While most would find it horribly romantic, I found it idiotic. Then it struck me, and I looked at him with curiosity.

"Exactly where are you going with this?" He gave me a half smile.

"Those two, despite the odds, ended the feuding between their families because they loved each other, can we not do the same?"

"But I do not love you," I said plainly. He gave me a full smile this time.

"But I love you, I loved you the moment I saw you," He said, his voice barely above a whisper. I felt my face heat up, and I knew that without a doubt, that I was blushing. I turned away from him; no one has ever made me blush before.

I was speechless for a moment, after a while I found my voice.

"You're a madman if you think something like this would work," I said looking at him. Before I could stop him, he has me pinned to the rail. His lips just inches from mine. I can feel his full weight on me, feel the heat from his body, and I try my best not to moan from it. This heat, something I've never experienced before, will drive me insane. I shook myself mentally. Now was not the time.

"I want to kiss you," He says softly.

I snarl at him. "Get off me," he does. All his weight is gone, however, more importantly, that distracting warmth is gone too. Good.

"You will not do that again," I ordered. He gives me a breath-taking smile.

"Not until you want me too, no, I won't be." Cocky baslooqua. I stand there glaring at him. I breathed, resisting the strong urge to hit him hard enough to knock him into the double doors behind us.

"Trust me, that won't be happening,"

"Whatever you say, Makala," I frowned for a moment not know what that word meant. There was a deep and awkward silence that followed and neither of us could find anything to say.

"Will I see you again?" He asked?

His voice is filled with hope. He looked like a small child in that moment, and with those burning amber eyes staring at me with so much hope in them I couldn't help but give him a slight giggle and a nod. He picked me up by my waist and spun me around. I laughed. For the first time since I was a small child, I laughed a true laugh of pure happiness. I never wanted to stop feeling that way I just felt right then. Like all that pain and sadness was washed away and I was left with the purest of joys. Is this what it is like to have a mate?

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