Chapter 17

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"Luna," Rain said as he rushed to my side. He was still in his training clothes, they were simple and easy to move in. But after years of training, they were falling apart. He would have to get some new ones soon.

"Rain what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be training?" I said looking at him with sad eyes. I had needed somewhere to think, so I climbed on top of the palace and looked out over the city.

"Forget training, are you alright?" He said taking my hands in his. I looked into his blush green eyes, behind the anger was such a tenderness that I rarely see for him, and it was only reserved for the people he truly cared about. Losing a mother, the way he did, made you a little cold inside.

I shook my head. Unable to speak. He hugged me close to his chest tightly. Like he was trying to take the pain from me.

"She shouldn't have said those things, she had no right! After all, this family has done for her, how can she be so cruel?" I shrugged and held him close to me. I wondered where he had heard what happened from.

"I'm sorry she said those horrible things to you Lunatris, I'm so sorry," He said, and his voice even cracked a little; and that was my undoing, I couldn't hold back the tears that fell. We stayed like that, with Rain holding me and stroking my hair well into nightfall.

But that night, when Rain had finally released me after he made sure I was ok, I knew there was only one pair of arms that could ease this pain.


"Still not talking to your sister?" Flame said softly. It has been two months since the incident with my sister and brother. We have been avoiding each other ever since. However, it did bring me and Flame closer together, so it wasn't too all bad I guess.

I snuggled deeper on into his chest.

"No." Was all I said, I could feel him let out a quiet sigh.


"No. Don't "Luna" me. What they did and said was wrong. They know it, we know it. All they must do is apologize and all is right. I refuse to bow down and forgive them for the things they did, and nothing you can say or do will change that." I said sitting up and glaring down at him. He looked at me wide-eyed and raised his hands up in a mockery of self-defense.

"Calm down, my little spitfire. I didn't mean it like that. You said that your family hasn't talked to each other in two months. That's why you have an easier time sneaking out like you do. But has Nix and Lach always been like that? Think that they were never part of your family?" I thought back for a moment. Then finally shook my head.

"No, but I can only guess, it might be doing of her Noka's influence. You see, her mother loved me as if I was another daughter. When my father married, her I was two. She didn't treat me any different even though her mother, for some reason I do not understand, hated me. She was so kind to me, never saying a bad thing about me or to me. Her mother on the other hand... Her mother made me feel like I was the intruder in my own home, while their mother made me feel like part of her family.

When they finally had Ren, it was like she couldn't have been more thrilled. But never did she make me fill out of place among them. Her mother had tried to turn Nix and Lach against me. It didn't work though. After she found out what her mother was trying to do, she banished her mother from the palace. When she died, her mother started to come by again, her hatred for me only grew stronger. We still don't know who killed Queen Annaloka. Her mother blames me." I looked up at him. His hand brushed my cheek ever-so-softly.

"I am so sorry Lulu..." I lifted one of my eyebrows.

"For what? That you couldn't stop a deranged old woman from hating a child? You were only six. There is nothing you could have done."

"But I'm still not understanding why your sister and brother hate you?"

"They don't hate me. They're just angry. No doubt the doing of that old qualanm they call a Noka." I sighed.

"But enough about my family, what about yours?" He stiffened.

"I'd rather not." He said quietly, looking off into the distance. I only nodded. I would give him all the time he needed. I knew better than anyone, how hard it is to let someone into the darkest parts of your soul.

"It's getting late," He says, sitting us both up. I moaned.

"When I make you moan my Flamooma, it won't be because of displeasure." Flame says low, almost growlingly in my ear. This time I moaned with a knowing pleasure that he will indeed, deliver on that promise.

"Flame," I whisper breathlessly. If he could get this kind of reaction out of me, by just saying such things, I fear my reactions when he does put his words into action. Then he does something, which has me almost undone. He slowly kisses my neck. Light kisses, barely grazing my skin. It's driving me crazy, and just as he had begun, he stopped.

I whimper in response.

"Tease," I accuse him. He just grins wickedly at me before standing and holding his hand out for me to take so he could help me up.

"Talk to your sister and brother. A sibling bond is very important, Lulu." He says before giving me a swift kiss and leaving me wanting more.

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