Chapter 6

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"Princess," they all said in unison and bowed.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"Rain, what is the meaning of this." He gave me a lopsided grin, that almost made my heart skip a beat. Rain was not only one of my oldest friends but also a caption in our army and was handsome and he knew it. He was a head taller than me, broad shoulders, rain colored eyes; giving his name perfect meaning, and thick curly sea blue-green with strips of light blue, curls that looked messy on anyone else but he somehow, he could pull them off with ease. We have known each other since I was 5 moons old and have been inseparable since. I'm not going to lie, there was a time when I thought that we were mates, but at one of the annual mate gatherings, that proved to be false. But that didn't stop me from still feeling something besides friendship and brotherly love toward him sometimes. But for now he was just a young lieutenant and when I become queen he will be part of my personal guard.

"Orders, Luna. Techa told your father that you were going out, and he ordered us to accompany you," I snarled before I could stop myself. I wasn't angry with Techa; she was just being kind. But my father, ugh, he made me want to scream.

Rain rolled his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic, Luna. You act as if me being this handsome will distract me from all the pretty girls grabbing for my attention. Don't worry my beloved princess, my eyes will be for you alone." Techa laughed and I would have blushed if I knew that he was being serious. Sighing, I moved passed them.

"Well come on, don't want to be late," I said as I passed. I could feel Rain close on my heels.

"Thought you'd see it my way beautiful."

"Come on, we're going to miss all the fun," Techa said as she ran passed us. We took my ship, a small silver little thing that my father had given me for one of my Namacas. When we finally reached the club, because, though I love her dearly, Techa's sense of direction has much to be desired; the club was already in full swing, ships of all shapes and sizes were already outside the club. The line itself was impressive. As we parked and got out of my ship, Techa walked us right past the line and all the way to the front. Some protested as they saw us. A few of my guards' Guardians snarled at them. I rolled my eyes. Goddess, help me.

"You know we can just-" I started but she didn't let me finish.

"No. You are a princess and I am one of your friends." I waited for her to elaborate, but when she didn't, I asked. "Your point?"

"No lines." She said as if it were obvious.

It was. Ula sent me through the bond.

"Besides with a good-looking group like us, how can they tell us to go to the back?" Rain said giving me a pearly white smile. I snickered lightly. He always found a way to make me laugh.

As we reached the front of the line, the bouncer gave us a lustful look at us, then stopped when Rain and another male guard stepped slightly in front of us, they weren't bigger than him in height, but with their combined muscles and threating stance, he knew if he even came within a few feet of us, he'd get the beating of his life. Taking a step back he nodded and let us all pass. But as the Guardians tried to come inside, he stopped them at the door. Ula gave a low growl at the bouncer. Though he was taller than most of the people there, she wasn't afraid of him. Nor was I.

"No pets." He said simply.

"Our Guardians are no pets." I stopped and looked back at the man and said cold enough to make the tall man shiver.

He nodded "A-and the bird?" He asked in a shaky voice. I just looked at him.

"Go on inside," I smirked and nodded. Techa giggled as Tink fell into place upon her shoulder.

"I love it when you do that." I chuckled under my breath. The rest of the Guards did the same. The club was a two-story which surprised me. People were everywhere, from hanging off the rails of the second floor, dance floor, tables, and to the bar. A young handsome Cheeluka came up and asked Techa for a dance. She accepted without a second thought.

Follow her and make sure she stays out of trouble and away from the bar. I told Ula through the bar, and following right behind her was a guard's Guardian, a Wallee the same as Ula. She gave a little huff and took off after Techa.

With me and my new shadow, it shouldn't be that hard. She replied before turning into a small pam size creature and jumped on Techa's other shoulder. I shook my head. I went to the bar, got a drink, and then found a table in one of the darkest parts in the club. Several guys tried to persuade me on to the dance floor, but I declined each one of them. After a while I was urging the guards to go and dance if they wished, they looked reluctant, but I wasn't having it.

"I won't tell my father. But I will not be dancing, and I think you all would like to have a little fun instead of child-sitting me. So, go. That's an order." Grinning they were off, all except Rain.

"I'm sure I was talking to you too. And you can't say that there is no pretty girl who wants to dance with you because I can count 6 of them now without having to look so hard." He laughed and throw his arm around me.

"Only if you're my first dance, Luna." He said looking deep into my eyes. At first, I thought he was just kidding, but considering the look in his eyes, I could tell how serious he really was. I smiled.

"Maybe next time, Rain," I said, trying not to make my voice shake a little. I simply watched as people danced, talked and laughed with one another. I could almost hear Techa in my ear telling me to get there and have a little fun. Sighing I looked down at my drink. If only it were that easy, I thought to myself.

"Such a lovely lady should never be sitting and watch all the others have fun. Wouldn't you say Princess Lunatris?" My head snapped up. There standing in a loose fire red shirt, that only seemed to be holding it together with some string, showered his chest just a little, and black pants that seemed to hug every toned curve of his legs was no other than Prince Flame himself.

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