Chapter 16

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       We found them in the training area. Nix was letting her rage take over, and her every move, ever strike, seemed angrier than the first. Oh, this is not good. I thought.

"Nixlaka!" Hanasi screamed in rage. I took a couple of steps back away from her, Ren mimicked my movement. We looked at each other wearily.

She stopped and turned to her.

"What?" Her voice was defiant and cold.

"Explain yourself. Now." Hanasi said just as cold.

Uh... What's going on? Ula said through the bond.

I have no clue. I sent back through the bond.

"Why should I explain myself to a Tashan?" My jaw dropped, and I snarled. Without thinking, a made water whip and lashed it at her. It missed her by just a few centimeters. She flinched back and glared at her. I glared back.

"Watch your mouth! She raised you after your mother died! You will show her respect. Or I will gladly beat it into you. Sister or not." My voice was low and ice cold.

"You are no sister of mine!" She screamed as she lunged at me, I dodge her easily. I raised an eyebrow.

"Looks like I'm beating it into you then," I said before backflipping out of the way of a shard of ice she tries to through at me. I lunged at her, weaving and dodging her attacks with ease. She throws seven at me at once. But the moment she does, about twenty come out of nowhere. Before the reach, me a large ice shield comes to around me. The next thing I know, Ren is falling to my side, landing gracefully on her feet.

"Two against one isn't very fair." She says as she glares in front of her. Lach. I grab the back of her dress and pull her to where to the other side of me. Lach would beat her without even trying. Tempers were too high for anyone to think rationally.

"Do you remember that move I taught you a couple of weeks ago?" I ask Ren as we all stared at each other, waiting for someone to make a move.

"Yes?" She says slowly, not understanding what I was getting at.

"Do you think you'd be able to do something like that, to Nix?" I asked her.

"Oh yes," She said. Then, we moved. Ren moved quicker than Nix could follow. She grabbed Nix's arm and hit her in the back of her swept her feet from under her, Ren's knee in her back and an ice blade to her throat and a hand pulling on her hair.

The fight was over quickly. I currently had my foot on Lach's throat. He struggled beneath me; I pressed my foot harder down on his throat.

"Stop moving," I ordered. He snarled up at me.

Suddenly, Nix was no longer silent and was cursing me in every tongue she knew. Giving a swift kick to the side of Lach's head, knocking him out, I made my way over to my sisters. Though Ren was younger than Nix, the younger sister took down her older sister without out much effort I was proud of her for that. But angry at Nix for making all this happen in the first place, what was wrong with her?

"Let her up." Ren looked up at me frowning, then back at Nix. After a moment, she did what I asked and made her way over to Hanasi and our father. They did not try and intervene, nor did they say a word when it was all over. Now Nix was sitting down, rubbing her throat.

"Explain," I ordered. She just glared up at me. I raised an eyebrow at her. Sighing, I sat down opposite of her.

"What was that all about?" I asked. She just glared at me. Losing my patience, I slapped her. Hard. She cried out and held her cheek. Tears threating to fall from her eyes, I was not about to pity her. Not for all the crap she just pulled.

"Answer the question," I told her. She gave me a look that told me where I could go with all these questions. I slapped her again, twice. One was a backhand.

"I can do this all day," I told her, my voice blank and void of emotion.

"It's entirely your fault." She says quietly. My eyebrows shot up.

"So, I'm the reason, you went off the rails and yelled at our father, insulted Hanasi, and attacked your sisters?" I almost laughed at the fact that she was trying to pull the blame game.

"He is not my father. She should know her place. You are not my sister and the other one is nothing but a mutt. She is no sister of mine." I grabbed her by her throat and pulled her to her feet as I started to stand as well. I lifted her till she was way above my head. She was clawing at my hand, despite for air.

"Lunatris! Let her go!" Ren cried.

"Stop Lunatris!" Hanasi and our father said at the same time. I looked at them. Then back at my so-called, sister. Snarling I pulled her face close to mine.

"The only thing stopping me from killing you is the fact that you are my sister. Either you see that or not. But, dear sister, that doesn't mean that I won't, and can't, beat some sense into you." I said as I let her go and she crumbles to the floor gasping for the sweet air she was just deprived of. I walked off without saying a word.

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