Chapter 13

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As we began to walk to the Opa Home, I just remembered something.

"Ula and I will meet you there," I said before we ran off.

"You'd better be!" I heard Hanasi shout after us. I waved my hand at her and kept going. As we ran through the market, we dodged and ducking things, people, and animals; never pausing for a moment. Finally, we reached our destination. A small one-story building, that had very large smoke clouds coming from the chimney. I smiled. She is always baking, I thought as we stood just at the entrance.

Aysu Sweets. Was the shop's name, it was one of my favorite shops. My mouth watered just by thinking about her sweets.

"Now what do we have here?" Someone said behind me, then slung their arm around my shoulder. Only a few people would be stupid enough to do that. I shoved him off and turned. Rain.

"Shouldn't you be with your family?"

"Shouldn't you be training or something?" I said sarcastically. He laughed.

"So, mean. Why weren't you this mean to that fire prince?" He asked with a cocky grin. It always seemed to affect me. That was until I met Prince Flame. Now, it was just like any ordinary smile.

"Don't you start I've already heard enough about, and don't wish to hear more of it," I said putting my hand on my hip. He nodded.

"Heard about that. Heard something else too," He hinted.

"Is that so?" I said smoothly.

"Yes. Heard you and the King had another fight." I nodded.

I opened my mouth to answer, but the door to sweets shopped opened as an old woman stepped out. Her hair was grayish blue, almost silver or white, from age. Her eyes were a dark bluish brown, a rare eye color on our planet. She was hunched slightly, but that didn't make her less dangerous. She was still as deadly as she was in her youth.

"Are you two going to stand out here or come inside?" She said, not waiting to hear our answer as she turns back around, goes back inside and closes the door behind her. I laughed. I looked over at Ula to find her playing with Storm, Rain's Guardian who was also a Wallee. They were playfully roughhousing with each other. I shook my head.

"Come on Ula. You to Rain, Storm. I'll need you to help me carry my order." I said.

He bowed. "As you wish Princess Luna," I rolled my eyes before heading inside.

The smells of the freshly baked goods hit my nose as soon as I walked through the door, my mouth was practically begging for a taste. I took a big whiff of the heavily smells. The room was plain, white walls, a few pictures hung up, chairs along the walls, tables with a few flowers in water, and a large desk in front, with a door right behind it. One of the daughters of the shop owner, Aria, sat behind the desk, narrowing her eyes at me. I sighed softly. She would never forgive me for what happened to her twin brother.

I can still hear her hateful words ring in my ears as I told them that he was dead.

"It's your fault he's dead! You were supposed to protect him; you were supposed to bring Orio home to us! You lied to us, devised us, telling us that he would be alright! I lost him because of you; I will never forgive you for this! And I hope you know this feeling one day. To know what it feels like to lose someone you love so much!"

"Luna?" Rain said touching my shoulder lightly. I jumped and turned to face him. His eyebrows scrunched together in concern.

"Are you alright?" He asked. I only nodded, not really trusting my voice now. I never forgave myself for what happened with Orio. Even though my family, Ula, and even his mother and two other siblings forgave me; her hatred stuck with me like a curse. I force myself to smile.

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