Chapter 5

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Harry awkwardly approaches the front counter. His face has gone beat red. Obviously he didn't like me witnessing what had just happened as much as I did.

"Uhm. Hey. How much?" He spits out.

"Hi, just £25. Your friends paid for most of it already." I say, avoiding any eye contact. He places the money in the palm of my hand and our fingers touch. He stays still, allowing the contact. I wrap my hand around the money, and brush his hand. I pull away and place it in the register. Collecting his change and getting ready for the butterflies that are to come when we touch again. He keeps his hand out waiting for his change, and as I place it the money in his hand again our eyes meet and I can feel my knees shaking. I can't tell if I'm nervous or just embarrassed that he caught me staring. 

He accepts the change and says, "See you around," and basically runs out of the bar. I double check to make sure he isn't there anymore, and run to the back room.

I sit in the back revaluating my situation. I hated the affect he had on me, I wish I could do what Louis suggested and just forget him, but everything about him seemed to consume my thoughts. His eyes, his hair, his lips...kissing another girl. God, why couldn't I get him out of my head? He's obviously not interested.

Jamie enters the back, "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," I mutter forcing myself to smile at him.

He smiles for a minute then says, "Well, we're about to close, you can go home if you want. I'll lock up before I leave."

"Thanks Jamie. You're the best." I give him a tight hug and he wraps his arms around my waist. We stand for a minute in a close embrace, my chin resting on his shoulder and his head tucked into my neck. I pull away and squeeze his arms, a small smile across my face. We part and I start collecting my stuff, my bag and my coat. It wasn't that cold out during the day but once it was night it was nice to have something to protect you from the wind. I walk out to the front and give Jamie a wave good bye as I step into the darkness.

There are few cars lined up along the street and they all seem to be unoccupied. The only light is from the dim street lamps, which are mostly burned out. Thank god my apartment isn't too far because this street is really creepy under the full moon.

Since no one is out driving this late I walk in the middle of the street. I always remember Claire and I walking home after parties and she would always want to play chicken in the middle of the street. I only did it once, and it was because she had gotten me so smashed beforehand. I'm not paying much attention, but I can hear the footsteps of someone coming up behind me.

I turn to face them and see a man in a mask. Before I can process anything he wraps me up in his arms. I squirm and squeal trying to get out of his grasp before he clamps a huge hand down to cover my mouth. I instinctively bit hard on his hand, which makes him swear out in pain before loosening his grasp on me, enough for me to properly call for help.

"HELP! SOMEBODY, PLEASE HELP!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I'm kicking at the stranger and trying to escape his hold, but he quickly wraps his arm around my mouth before half carrying half dragging me onto the sidewalk towards an alleyway. I am kicking my feet wildly in a last hope to escape, but all I seem to be doing is struggling against an inevitable fate. My heart is thumping loudly in my ears and my mind is so cluttered I can barely keep my eyes open.

I hear someone's car door slam shut and the thumping of feet coming towards our direction. Although I'm faced in the opposite direction that I heard the footsteps I open my mouth to cry out, but my mouth is immediately met with the fabric of the guy's jacket, silencing my unspoken screams.

"Hey! What the hell are you doing?" A man with a thick British accent says. I recognize the voice immediately. I continue struggling and twisting and turning trying to get out of the stranger's grasp.

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