Chapter 2

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I wake in a start, sweat beads down my forehead as I survey my unfamiliar surroundings. Suddenly my memory catches up with me and I am bombarded with images of the previous day's events. I sigh sadly as I groggily rub the sleep out of my eyes.

Although the idea of sitting in bed all day feeling sorry for myself seems tempting; I decide that I can't stay in this hotel much longer or else I won't have enough money for an apartment. Great, it's going to be impossible to find any decent space that is in my budget. The only fault of living in central London is that it could make you bankrupt.

I drag myself out of bed and start to get myself ready. Although the cheap hotel's bathroom was varying between disgusting and frighteningly unsanitary I thank god that I washed my hair last night when I got here, as I despise going out in public with wet hair. Now I simply need to shower and try to wash away the memories of yesterday. I figure I should go and find an apartment today and hopefully I can get moved in there as soon as possible, so I pick a fancy yet casual outfit for the day. A black high waisted skirt, a white long sleeve shirt and a blue scarf that matches my eyes will be perfect for today. I leave my brown ombre hair in its natural wavy state and start to apply my make-up. Maybe I can go to that coffee shop I took refuge in yesterday after my rude reunion with Claire for breakfast. I shouldn't have been surprised that Claire picked a boy over me. I guess that was always Claire though, she had been a flirt all through high school and almost always ditched me to hang out with some guy she just met. My thoughts come back to the cute boy who I literally ran into, and I kind of wish I had gotten his number.

I wish I hadn't been so rude to him, he was only trying to help. He was also the first person here who had been nice to me; he couldn't have been that bad. I decided that if I want to last here, boys should be my last priority. Besides, I likely won't ever see him again. I couldn't quite figure it out, but he looked vaguely familiar. 

It's only 8 o'clock in the morning, I'm a very early riser. Hopefully it won't be too busy on the streets yet. I can't afford to waste any more time sitting in this hotel room or I will go insane, so I grab my purse double checking that it has everything I need in it. Passport, wallet, oh my god where's my phone?

As I walk through the lobby rummaging through my large purse for my phone, I once again run head on into a random person and my bag spills all on the floor.

Too tired to argue with this ignorant person, I quickly pick everything up, reaching near the strangers feet for my phone. The first thing I notice about him is he's wearing the most bizarre pair of dress shoes.

"You've got to be kidding me," I remark as my eyes lock with the emerald green ones staring down at me.

"Fancy seeing you here!" Harry says, his tone light and chipper like he didn't just make me drop my things for the second time.

"What the hell are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" I exclaim picking myself and my bag up off the ground.

"Well to be honest, yes." He says with a straight face. My eyes widen at his words and I stare at him mouth gaping feeling totally creeped out.

His rose coloured lips quirk up into a smirk, "You should've seen your face. No, I figured since you were new here you wouldn't have anyone to show you the city."

"Well that's awfully nice of you, but it's fine I can figure it out myself." This guy is so weird, honestly who just shows up at the hotel of a person you've just met?

"I'm sure you can figure it out yourself, you look like someone who has dealt with a lot of shit before and I don't deny that, I just didn't think you'd want to do this alone." His words hit deep and I can tell from his eyes that he too has had to deal with too many things alone.  He turns on his heel to walk away, but then cautiously halts and retraces his steps, making his way back towards me.

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