Chapter 13

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*Harry’s POV*

I’m currently drowning my 5th beer, and I’ve lost count of how many shots I’ve taken.  I think it was past 3am and the only people still remaining at the bar were Niall, Liam, myself, and 3 random strangers. Emma was the only one who was still working. Louis had gone home first, of course, to be with his girlfriend Eleanor. Zayn left for who knows what, he seemed upset when we were out all day but I never bothered to ask. Probably had a fight with Perrie.

That’s so great for them, they’re so in love, and currently it really annoys me.

The way she said “no” so effortlessly, like I hadn’t even had to build up any courage just to look her in the damn eyes. “I said no. Goodbye Harry” damn I can’t even remember the last time I got rejected nor the shitty feeling that comes along with it.

 “We should probably head out then,” Liam offers.

“Nah, man, one more drink, c’mon,” I slur out.

Niall and Liam both look like they’re going to pass out in their seats. I think the bar closes soon, although I’ve sort of lost time.

“Harry, we should go.” Niall says.

“Fine, you bastards can go then, I’m staying.” I shout back.

They get up and exit the bar, but not before stopping to say something to Emma. Why the hell are they talking to her? I scream out for another drink.


*Emma’s POV*

“Make sure he gets home safe, will you?” Niall says.

“Of course,” I promise.

“And another favour?” Liam says.

I nod.

“Play nice?” He smiles.

“No promises.” Is all I can say. They pay up and exit through the back door, which I find very unusual. Harry calls out for another drink but I pretend that I’m busy and can’t hear him. He’s had enough to drink and if he has anymore he’s going to die.

My backs turned away from the counter as I try to clean up before we close. I can hear an annoying clicking sound behind me and I know who it is.

“Harry, quit it.”

“Why won’t you go out with me?” He blurts out.

I’m taken by surprise, “what?”

“You heard me.”

“What, never been turned down by a girl before?”

“Never by anyone as special as you.”

I look him straight in the eyes, but his intense gaze doesn’t falter. I shake it off it’s just the alcohol talking.

“You’re drunk.” I roll my eyes not accepting his sort of compliment, he shrugs.  I want to ask him so badly what that picture was, because I know he probably won’t remember telling me in the morning, but I don’t want to take advantage of him like that. Plus I’m kind of scared to find out. “Seriously though, have you never been turned down before?”

He shakes his head slowly, making a puppy dog pout.

“Who are you, God’s gift from heaven?” I laugh.

“I have heard that before.” He says.

“You’re unbelievable.”

“Well, I’m surprised you didn’t jump at the chance to go out with me, I know thousands of girls who would.” I recoil.

“Arrogance is not a flattering quality.” I remark. He laughs.

“Well if you found any of my qualities flattering you wouldn’t have said no.” He stares down at the counter his eyes filled with sadness and in that moment my heart aches for him.

 “How about this, we hangout, but something really low-key? Like, we hangout and eat pizza or something, as friends.” I offer. “But just quit with the puppy dog face you look like you should be on one of those sad tv commercials.” He laughs; he looks at me with a smile plastered on his face with his emerald eyes shining.



heart eyes for them rn tbh 

harry looks like jesus in the pic on the side or whatever ur on ouch 

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