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I walk into the Doctor Who set where Emma is currently shooting her first episode. Two years after our little dispute, she had finally gotten to where she wanted. That night when she finally came back, and surprised me on stage was by far the happiest night of my life so far. Now we’ve bought a large house out of the city together (where we spend most of our time when I’m not away on tour) and we’ve even adopted a dog for the time being. Emma wanted a dog so she wasn’t so lonely in the house by herself so its technically Emma’s because I don’t really take care of it, but we still share him. Nothing has really changed since we got back together. Her job had really improved for her, and she was finally getting her big break. She had been saying this whole time she just wanted to write her own episode, and her time was finally here. She was freaking out.

I had read the episode, it was a heart wrenching one I had to admit. But it was a completely genius idea, and of course it’s written by her so it’s already going to be perfection. However that didn’t mean that she was terrified.

She tried to stay cool when she got the call, Moffat had been reading her stuff prior and there was an open position for an episode so she of course took the opportunity. Even though she made it seem like it wasn’t a big deal, it was. This was what she was waiting for.

Being the awesome boyfriend I am, I was going to go on set and stress her out even more. I promised I’d stay away from the studios while she was working because she was completely embarrassed, but that was a total lie.

I twirl the small black box around in my coat pocket, I can already feel my hands shaking from the anxiety. I grasp my iphone in my other hand, making sure the video was already set up and ready to film. We had a thing with filming everything. My video got her back, so it only seemed fitting that we video tape all the major things that happened in our life.

I walk right into the set, people not shocked to see me there since I always brought Emma lunch when I could. Throughout the Where We Are tour, Emma still managed to come see me. She was only an editor at the time and would bring her work with her wherever she could. Now after the On The Road Again Tour, the lads and I are going to be in London for a long time, writing more music. I figured if I was going to do this, it was now or never.

I sneak through the doors, trying to hide myself so Emma didn’t see me right away. I did promise her no more secrets, but this was one she was going to be happy about.

I nudge one of Emma’s employees, Colton, who I talked to before about the whole thing. He agreed to film it for me. When I hand over my phone camera to him, he gives me a huge smile.

“Just chill out mate, it’s going to be fine.” He says, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nod and continue onto set.

I walk up behind Emma in the middle of the set. She was talking to one of the actors and I could tell she was ready to punch someone’s head off. The pressure of being in this business. A hush falls over the rest of the crew on set and I can feel everyone’s eyes on me. I notice the actor Emma’s yelling at stare at me with eyes beating out of his head.

“What? What could be so important that you’re not paying attention to the words coming out of my mouth?” Emma demands. The actor points at me as I slowly got down on one knee.

Emma turns around, “What the hell are you-” she says before her eyes meet mine and I grab her hand, playing with her fingers.

“Haz… what are you doing here, what are you doing…”

“I wasn’t going to bother you I swear, but there’s this thing that has been bothering me for ages now, and I just didn’t know how to word it. But you were stressed and I love you, and you have been a mess since this episode came along, and I still love you. And I know when you’re finished this episode, and you’re writing the next one I’ll still love you. And when I’m looking at you walking down the aisle in whatever pretty dress you buy, with your hair done in curls because you like it better like that, I’ll still love you.”

“Harry Edward Styles what are you doing…” she hisses at me.

“Something I should’ve done a long time ago, but life gets in the way so this was the best I could do.” I respond, finally letting go of her hand and pulling out the black box that was hidden in my pocket. I pop the lid up, showing the simple diamond ring that I picked out.

“I don’t know if you remember, but when we first started out, I made a joke that when you wrote your first episode, we’d be married. You thought I was joking, but I wasn’t. I made it a promise to myself, and I need to fulfill it. No matter what happens with us, we always end up together. I’m still going to love you forever, so why not make it official?” I hear her gasp, not daring to look away from those beautiful eyes I fell in love with so many years ago. It feels like forever, and we’ve been through so much, I can’t imagine ever going a day without her. People like Emma only come along once in a lifetime, and I’m so thankful that I literally ran into her walking through London.

“Emma Evans, will you marry me?”

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