Chapter 10

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*Harry's POV*

Friends.  That stupid ridiculous word ringing in my ears. It's been ringing in my ears for the past week. It had been a week since I saw her, Emma. And I couldn't stop thinking about her. She probably hated me, barely liked me, and here I was, mesmerized by her. I kept replaying the last image of when I saw her, getting out of the car in those adidas sweat pants and that cute loose tank top. I swear I saw some ink on her.

"Harry?" I snap out of my day dream and hear Niall's Irish accent.

"Wha- What?" I reply.

"Did you hear anything that we just said?" I'm not going to lie, I hadn't even noticed they had all come in. Niall was sitting beside me on the chair ledge, wearing his normal clothes, a sports tee of course and black sweat pants. Louis was standing awkwardly by the door, still in his pyjamas. Zayn and Liam sat on the couch together, Zayn in his usual band tee and Liam wearing a dark shirt.

"I didn't realize we were having a band meeting today?" I admit.

"Well we have a press thing that we need to go to in an hour..." Lou says in an obvious tone.

"Oh right, totally forgot." I roll my eyes. It was still before noon which meant I didn't function properly.  "Better get dressed then." I walk past Lou in the door frame, my back facing all of them.

"Oh before you go, we were planning to go to the bar later too," Zayn says casually. My eyes light up and I try to act cool before one of them sees my insane smile.

"Okay, whatever, that's fine." I walk to my "room" before anyone sees me. I can feel Louis making a face at the rest of the lads, "Shut up!" I yell back at them and they all burst into laughter.

A few hours later we are seated together in front of an interviewer. I know this process, and it will take at least an hour or so.  Usually after every 5 minutes a new interviewer comes in, and asks basically the same trivial questions. It's boring and irrelevant; I just wish it would go by faster.

The interview session was based on our next album. We just finished our last tour and now everyone expects an album. We have started one, just writing some lyrics, however we haven't recorded anything.

The first interviewer comes in and asks some boring questions that the other lads answer while I just sit there and look interested. It's not that I don't love this job, but this section is pretty boring.

"Harry, will you be planning to write any of the songs on this album?" The interviewer asks me. I think about my answer quickly, making sure not to give much away.

"Well, Louis and Liam are the ones who usually help with writing the tracks; however, I hope that I will get the opportunity to write some stuff on this one."

"What inspires you to write?" She asks again.

"Uhh, that's a good question. I obviously write about love, but that's not always the best to go on because I've never been in love." I answer.

"Are you hoping to change that then?" She asks with a sly smile on her face.

"Change what?"

"Being in love."

There's a long pause and I stare at my feet. I bite my lip, not sure what to say but the only thing that comes to mind is, "I hope so." 


i just realized how short this chapter is wtf 

hehe who do u think the youtuber interviewer is 

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