Chapter 20

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Harry wrapped his arms around my slim waist. The darkness surrounding us, only revealing the precious colour of his kissable lips. He leaned in towards my ear, making sure there was no space between us. His husky voice spoke, making my heart skip a beat, “I know you want it.” I couldn’t deny it any longer, I wanted him, and I wanted him now.

I straightened up a bit, almost bringing my lips to his when-

I heard someone pounding their fist against my apartment door, I let out a small shriek as I tumble off the bed. I smash my knee against the ground and while trying to get back up I stub my toe against the bedside table. I yelp in pain, attempting to slow my actions as I reach to flicker the light on. I grab a pair of shorts off of my dresser hiking them up to my waist as I check the clock, which reads 8am. Who the hell would come to my door at 8 in the damn morning?

My emotions are a swirling tornado of hesitation and anger as I quickly brush my hair off to the side before prying open the door handle. “Whoever this is it better be good!” I snap before taking in Louis appearance in the doorway. The warm aroma of coffee fills the air and I notice a large mug in his hand.

I point at the coffee, an annoyed look on my face, “That better be for me, Louis Tomlinson, or I swear I will hurt you for waking me up at this hour,” I warn. He chuckles at me before handing me the drink in his hands. I generously take it side stepping away from the door frame gesturing him inside. He smiles at me before taking a step forward, but suddenly freezing midway.

“Is that…” he trails off pointing at my sweater. I look down at myself in a panic as I remember I hadn’t taken off Harry’s sweater from last night. Pretend I don’t know what he’s talking about, or tell him it’s Harry? Over my dead body was I telling him it was Harry’s.

“Is that what?” I ask trying to sound casual, but my voice sounds high pitched even to my own ears.

“You’re wearing Harry’s sweater,” Louis accuses a smug smirk on his face.

“No!” I automatically defend avoiding his eye contact, my plan to act like I didn’t know what he was talking about wasn’t working.

He rolls his tongue around in his mouth, before sighing and titling his head. “YOU’RE WEARING HARRY’S SWEATER, HA YOU’RE WEARING HIS SWEATER, DO YOU FANCY HIM? OH YOU TOTALLY DO!!!” He starts screaming, making rational decisions that I like Harry; which is untrue. I do not, and probably won’t ever, he and I are friends. End of story.

“Louis shut up,” He continues to laugh in my face, doing some sort of celebratory dance. I roll my eyes before turning in the other direction, walking into my apartment waiting for him to follow. I was never going to hear the end of this.

I hear the click of the front door shutting and then Louis runs into the room, continuing to scream about how I’m wearing Harry’s sweater, I didn’t think it was that big of a deal. It was just a sweater. A sweater Harry was never going to get back.

“Can I ask why you’re wearing Harry’s sweater?” Louis asks, still chuckling at me. I gave him my most serious look, which was nearly impossible around him. His laughter was contagious; I found it hard to be grim around him. He was always so positive and his cheerful and optimistic attitude was refreshing.

“Look, it’s not that big of a deal, I was cold last night when he ran into me, thanks for that by the way.” I say, blushing as his stare grew stronger. I knew he was the one who told Harry where I was last night.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” He lies.

“Bull shit, Lou,” I remark making him burst into laughter again.

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