Chapter 33

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“Alright you two, family meeting.” Claire announces as she walks into our living room and plops herself down on the couch opposite Harry and I. We were cuddled together in a mess of blankets and it had been days since either one of us moved.

“You two are adorable, and I know you’re currently on break and about to go back on tour,” She motions to Harry and I hang my head a little. We hadn’t really discussed what we were going to do while he was away and I was starting to worry about it. “And that you can do a lot of your work at home and away from the office, and I truly love seeing you two kissing all the time. It’s great you two are so in love. But I can’t be in this situation anymore, it is so bloody depressing watching you two being all coupley and having the constant reminder that I’m so very alone.”

“Do you want me to set you up with one of the lads or something?” Harry asks confused.

I pipe in to add to the conversation. “Oh my god her and Liam would be too adorable.”

“Liam’s got a girlfriend now, what about one of the 5SOS boys?” He explains.

I shake my head. “No they’re too young for her.”

“They aren’t that young!”

“Luke’s still 17!”

“Yeah but Mikey and Ashton are older?”

“Ashton’s dating your sister.”

“True, what about Niall?”

Claire interrupts our bickering, “I don’t want a boyfrie- wait, Niall?” A smile spreads across her face at the thought of Niall and her together.

“Wouldn’t they be adorable?” I say and she blushes.

She shakes her head at us trying to get back to her point. “Can both of you two just shut it, for like two seconds and then you can set me up with Niall?”

We stay quiet waiting for her to finish what she had started. We both desperately try to suppress our laughter as she gets more serious.

“As I was saying, I can’t be around you two lovebirds all the time. So I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m going to move out.”

“Noooo, you can’t move out we’re a family!” I yell.

“I’m going to try and get one like across the hall or something, we can still have family meals together.” She tries to exclaim to me.

“We should just get a bigger apartment for all of us!” Harry insists.

“I don’t want you to move out, Claire.” I whine.

“You guys need space though, I don’t want to hear you guys having sex while I’m in the next room!”

“Come on, you like it a little bit.” Even though I’m blushing an insane amount, I can’t help but laugh at the whole situation, and Harry’s comment just adds to the fire.

“You are sick, Styles. I’m going to move out, not tomorrow or anything but I’ll talk to the landlord soon. You’re still stuck with me for a little bit.”

“Good. And since I know you’re both free tonight, you two are coming to a concert.” Harry says.

“Who’s playing?” I ask.

“Me, dipshit.”


We arrived at the venue a few hours later. Claire dressed up in an attempt to impressed Niall, who she was meeting for the first time that night. I wore an oversized white to blue tie dye shirt with black leggings and combat boots. A black beanie to try and conceal myself from fans was on my head, the rest of my ombre wavy hair cascading down my back. We didn’t want to pull too much attention to ourselves as we walked into the building, Harry’s hand placed firmly in mine as fans screamed hateful profanities at me.

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