Chapter 1. Finally A High Schooler

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Annie's POV

"You'll be fine, trust me." Caleb said as he held the door open for me.

"I'm really nervous." I said as we walked in.

"Hey, I was nervous my first day, too. But you already have friends who go here, like me, Katie, Luke, Brennan, Sydney, Zack, and Veronica." Caleb said as we walked over to our lockers, which were right next to each other.

"ANNIE!" Katie yelled from across the hall, running towards me.

"KATIE!" We hugged each other.

"Wow, great to see you too, Katie." Caleb said as he opened his locker.

"It's great to see you, babe." Katie gave Caleb a quick kiss and hugged him.

"Are you excited to start high school?" Katie asked me after she pulled away from Caleb.

"No, I'm really nervous." I said truthfully.

"You'll be fine." Katie said. "You've got me, Caleb—"

"And me!" I turned around to see Brennan.

"Hey, Brennan!" I gave him a hug.

A lot of people thought Brennan and I started dating when I was in eighth grade last year, but we weren't. People said we were 'friends with benefits', which is basically our relationship.

"Aww, you two are so cute." Caleb said.

Brennan and I laughed awkwardly.

"I told you, we're just friends." Brennan said.

"Friends with benefits." I turned around to see Sydney coming.

"Syd!" I gave her a hug.

"Annie! Hey!" Sydney hugged me back and hugged everyone else.

Once the whole 'Caleb-Sydney-Katie' love triangle was resolved, those three became really good friends again, and there was no more bad blood between Sydney and Katie.

Besides, Sydney was dating this really nice guys named Zack. I've met him a couple times, and he's really sweet and funny.

"Can I see your schedule?" Sydney asked.

"Yeah, sure!" I handed Sydney my schedule.

Everyone crowded around her to see my classes.

"Sweet! We have band together!" Sydney grinned.

"When did you start taking band?" Katie asked.

"I rented a flute over the summer and I've been practicing. I talked to the band director last week and he said I could join band. I also heard Syd was joining." I replied.

I honestly really liked playing my flute, and when I heard that Sydney wanted to join band too, I pretty much grabbed that opportunity.

Ever since Sydney started high school and switched gyms and we moved, I never really saw her anymore. I thought that having a class with her would give us more time to hang out and get closer again.

I Already Told You, Triangles Are NEVER Good [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now