Chapter 9. Cheating

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Annie's POV

I saw bright lights approach me. I looked up from the porch steps where I was sitting to see Brennan pull up in his car.

He got out and smiled when he saw me. "Hey."

"Hi." I said as he sat next to me.

"Why are you out here? You didn't have to wait for me." Brennan asked.

I shrugged. "Sometimes I like sitting out here to think. It helps clear my mind."

"Why'd you need to clear your mind?" Brennan asked as he held my hand. "Is everything okay?"

"It's just that high school is hard. That's all." I said.

He nodded. "I understand. Now, are you ready for our date?"


Brennan stood up and held my hand as we walked to his car. He opened the door for me and then headed to the driver's seat.

We drove to this restaurant we love that serves really good food.

When we sat at our table and Brennan was reading the menu, I glanced over to see a couple familiar figures walking in.

Not again! I thought as I saw Luke and Veronica walk in.

Luke made eye contact with me for a moment, then looked away. Awkward.

"Hey, it's Luke and Veronica!" Brennan laughed once he saw them. "I didn't know they were here!"

I laughed along with him. "Yeah, interesting."

Brennan stood up and held my hand. "Come on, let's go say hi."

"Oh, I'm okay—" but before I could finish my sentence, Brennan was already dragging me over to their table.

"Hey guys!" He exclaimed.

Veronica gasped and grinned when she saw us. Luke looked like he wanted to go run and hide.

"It's so good to see you!" Veronica said as she hugged us. "Isn't it funny that we're always bumping into them, Luke?"

"Huh? Yeah." Luke said.

"We should all sit together!" Veronica suggested.

Luke and I wanted to object, but Brennan agreed and sat me down next to Luke so he could be across from me. Oh great...

"Hi." I awkwardly said to Luke as he just waved.

Luke and I awkwardly sat there as Brennan and Veronica made small talk. They tried to include us, but Luke and I didn't feel like talking. Plus, it was all about water polo; I heard Veronica joined the girl's water polo team last year.

"You look pretty tonight." Luke whispered to me halfway through the dinner.

I felt myself blush a bit as I thanked him. I was just wearing this simple white dress that went a few inches above my knee and some black heels. I also did some makeup and had my hair down and curled at the ends.

I had to admit, seeing Veronica and Brennan bond the way they did made me feel a little jealous. I know it may sound stupid that I'm jealous, since I do like Luke, but Brennan is my boyfriend.

Lately, Veronica and Brennan have been talking a lot, and it makes me a little jealous and makes me feel like something is going on between the two.


When dinner was over, we were all getting ready to leave when Veronica's phone rang.

"Sorry, it's Coach." She said before running off outside.

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