Chapter 10. Monday Blues

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Annie's POV

Unfortunately Monday came. I tried staying home by faking a fever, but before I even called Mom in to come check on me, I realized that I would have to face Brennan and or Veronica soon enough, so I just got ready for school.

I changed into a navy blue hoodie from the gymnastics team and some black leggings with my high top black Converse. I then tied my hair into a ponytail and did my makeup before heading downstairs.

"Hey Annie, want some Starbucks?" Caleb asked as I came downstairs.

I laughed. "Did you even have to ask?"

Caleb grinned and grabbed his car keys. We said goodbye to the rest of the household before getting in the car.

Once we ordered our food and he handed me my coffee and croissant, I asked, "Why'd you buy us Starbucks? You never do that."

Caleb held my hand. "I just know you've been having a rough time, and I thought this may cheer you up a bit."

I smiled and squeezed his hand. "Thanks, Caleb. It is cheering me up a bit."

"That's good. And by the way I have a baseball practice after school, so you can either stay or get a ride home." Caleb said.

"Okay. Maybe I'll ask Syd for a ride, Katie isn't too happy with me right now." I said.

"Why? Because of the you and Brennan situation?"

I nodded.

Caleb nodded back and the rest of the ride to school was silent.

Once Caleb parked the car, I saw Brennan coming out of his a few spaces down. When he looked in my direction, I ducked down in my seat, hoping he didn't see me.

Unfortunately he did.

I got out of the car and started speed walking towards the entrance when Brennan called my name and started running towards me.

When he was getting closer, I started running.

"Annie! Please, let me explain!" Brennan shouted as he was now a few feet away from me.

"Leave me alone!" I called back, still running.

"You heard her, leave her alone!" I glanced backwards to see Caleb standing in front of Brennan, blocking him.

"Caleb, please—" Brennan explained.

Caleb pinned him against the wall with an angry look on his face.

"I told you to leave her alone. She doesn't want to see you; you hurt her." Caleb said, then he released Brennan and stormed off.

"Thanks for that, Caleb." I said as I hugged him.

"Sure. If he bothers you again, I'll throw a punch." Caleb winked and then walked off, catching up with Katie a few feet ahead.

I quickly glanced over to see Brennan staring at me with an apologetic look. I just twirled around and walked off in the other direction towards my locker.

"Hey Annie." Luke said from behind me.

"Hi." I said back as he hugged me.

"How are you?" Luke asked me while I put stuff away in my locker.

I shrugged. "Trying to hold up. You?"

He shrugged back. "Still a little upset, but I really don't know how I feel."

I turned around and held his hands in mine, locking eyes with him. "So, are we together now?"

Luke smiled and leaned in, placing his lips on mine. We kissed a few times before he pulled away, smiling, then he winked and walked away.

I felt myself blushing as I walked to first period. But then I walked in and remember that Brennan and I had that class together.

"Hey Annie!" Sydney called as she followed me into the locker room. "I heard what happened and I'm really sorry."

"It's okay, thanks Syd." I said as I gave her a fake smile while pulling my flute out.

"But I just wanted to say, if you want to be with my brother, I'm totally okay with it." Sydney said with a smile. "After all, I was once with your brother, so it would only be fair."

I gave Sydney a hug and thanked her before we headed to our seats.


The day went by pretty quickly, and thankfully, mostly Brennan free. He got the point and avoided me as well throughout the day, and he sat with some of his other friends at lunch, along with Katie joining him.

I felt bad for Caleb, because when I got to their lunch table, Katie wanted me to leave. When Caleb told her that he wanted me to stay, Katie stormed off and sat with Brennan. I get that he's her brother, but now I felt like I was ruining not just my love life, but Caleb's as well.

For the rest of lunch, Caleb sat there quietly staring at his salad. I felt so guilty, and even though Caleb said it wasn't my fault, I felt like it was.

After school, Sydney gave me a ride home, which I truly appreciated. Although, the ride home was kind of awkward and silent.

When I got home, I immediately went to my room and face planted into my bed, groaning and screaming into my pillows. I felt like my stupid love triangle was ruining everyone's relationships and friendships around me.

For example, Katie was mad at me for 'cheating' on Brennan with Luke, Veronica was mad at Luke and I, Brennan was mad at Luke, Caleb was mad at Brennan while Katie was on his side, and it was all just so crazy!

I felt myself start to cry; this was all too much, too stressful, and along with being in high school and on the gymnastics team, my mind felt like it was going to explode. I was already getting a headache from all this.

I couldn't stop crying, and I felt so stupid. I was so stressed and starting to feel depressed, and I couldn't take it anymore.

I know this was the wrong choice, but at the moment, I didn't see why I shouldn't do it; so, I headed into my bathroom and grabbed the bottle of pain killers and took more than was necessary.

I then headed back into my room and started to do my homework when I started feeling lightheaded and dizzy. I assumed my headache was coming back, so I took even more pills.

All I remember after that is feeling extremely tired, so I laid in my bed and dozed off.


A/N: okay before anyone starts complaining or judging me or what not, I DO NOT SUPPORT SUICIDE! I feel that suicide is never the answer, so this is not like promoting suicide or encouraging it, this was just a part of the plot. That's all I mean, so don't go freaking out okay?
Even though I'm always depressed and sad, like I said earlier, I feel like suicide is not the way to get out of our problems. So again, DON'T FREAK OUT.

Or maybe I'm the one freaking out, idk 🤷‍♀️

But anyway that's it for this chapter, I hope you (somewhat) enjoyed it. If so please vote comment and share because I love your feedback!

Thanks, until next time ;)

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