Chapter 14. Annie's Birthday

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Luke's POV

Today was Annie's birthday and the day of her party, and I was honestly very excited.

I woke up early and texted her:

I smiled and then went into the kitchen for breakfast

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I smiled and then went into the kitchen for breakfast.

"Good morning, Luke." Sydney greeted as I went into the kitchen.

"Good morning. You excited for Annie's party?" I asked as I began to pour myself a bowl of cereal.

"Yep! What about you?" Syd asked.

I nodded. "I'm excited, although I heard she's inviting Brennan."

"Ooh! Someone seems jealous!" Syd taunted in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up! I am not!" I said.

"Yes you are!" Syd shot back.

"Hey! Don't argue." Mom scolded as she walked in.

"Sorry." Sydney and I muttered.


Later that day, I drove Syd, Zach, and I over to SkyZone where Annie's party would be.

When we arrived, I walked in to see Annie sitting with her brother and sister with a fake tiara on. When she saw me, she grinned and ran over.

"Hey! You're here!" She exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Of course I am! Happy birthday, love." I said before kissing her.

Annie grinned. "Thank you so much, Luke." She said as I handed her a gift bag. "I'm going to put it in the party room real quick. While I do that, how about you, Zach, and Syd sign the waiver?"

I nodded as Annie twirled around and ran into a nearby room.

Once we all signed, Caleb greeted us and hugged us. Then he pointed out which was our party room and gave us socks.

"KATIE! BRENNAN! RYAN!" Annie shouted as she ran to her friends.

Brennan engulfed her in a hug, which made me feel a little mad; why did she all of a sudden forgive him?

What happened between them that I don't know about?

But I wasn't jealous...right?

"Hey, man." Brennan greeted as he gave me a bro hug. "Are we cool?"

I glanced behind him to see Annie, who was staring at me with a look that said 'please-forgive-him-as-well-or-else-I'll-be-upset'.

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