Chapter 12. Thanksgiving Success

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Annie's POV

It's been a few weeks since Halloween, and Thanksgiving break started tomorrow.

Today was a half day at school, and to be honest, ever since Caleb and Katie broke up, our friendship circle has gotten even worse.

Katie and Brennan now sit together at a different table at lunch. They completely ignore all of us and I'll admit, it hurts. I've known them both forever, and I love them both.

Zach and Sydney always seem to be in their own world, but they recently had their first big argument and aren't talking either. Zach and Sydney both sit at different tables now.

Also, ever since Veronica and Brennan kissed, she's avoided us too. I barely even see her around anymore.

Luke sits with Caleb, Abby, and I at lunch still. Honestly, Luke and I barely even act like a couple; we'll occasionally hold hands and smile at each other but most of the time we just act like best friends.

Luke and Caleb talk to each other during lunch while Abby and I talk to each other. We'll all occasionally start conversation, but it rarely happens.

I feel like our friendship circle breaking apart is my fault; ever since I broke up with Brennan, our friendship has been a mess. I feel terrible about it, and I really wanna fix it, and I've been trying.

For example, today I worked up the guts to walk up to everyone and invite them over for Thanksgiving.

First off was Veronica, which was so awkward. She said yes only because her family was going out of town and she didn't want to be alone, plus she and Sydney still sort of get along and Sydney already said she would come (and Luke of course).

I even asked Zach, who also shockingly said yes.

"I want to make it up to Sydney," he told me. "Maybe I can do some big romantic gesture to apologize."

"I think that would be really sweet; go for it." I said to him before heading to class.

Next up was Katie and Brennan, which was the most awkward. I found them at Katie's locker laughing about something. I took a deep breath and headed over.

"Hey, guys," I said awkwardly.

Katie and Brennan turned around and looked a bit shocked to see me. They both just muttered "Hey" back and stared at my shoulders or the top of my head to avoid eye contact.

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over for Thanksgiving. Everyone else is coming, and it should be fun." I said, feeling extremely awkward and feeling the heat fluster through my face.

Katie shrugged. "If we can all get along like civilized people, I guess it's okay."

Brennan nodded in agreement.

"Um, well, okay. It's Thursday evening at seven. See you there." I said before turning around and walking away.

"Hey, Ans!" Abby called as I met her in the hallway on the way to science.

"Hey. You're coming for Thanksgiving, right?" I asked.

"Obviously! I even bought a new dress and everything." Abby said with her signature grin.

I laughed. "That's great. If you want, you could even sleep over."

"Really? That'd be great!" Abby exclaimed.

I smiled and nodded. "You should."

"Okay! Can't wait!" Abby said excitedly.

"Me, either." I replied half heartedly as we took our seats.

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