Chapter 5. Apologies & An Angry Girl

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Luke's POV

"Everything okay?" Sydney asked as she opened the door to my room.

"Yes." I replied while focusing on my video game Call of Duty.

Sydney groaned. "You're still playing that stupid game?"

"And you're still here?" I mocked.

"Whatever. I was just checking on you." Sydney then slammed my door shut.

I was playing COD just to get my mind off of Annie.

I don't know what I was thinking, I just easily fall for girls, especially people like Annie...

Sweet, kind, pretty, smart,'s my type.

Sydney still had no idea I kissed Annie, it's just we're twins and we've grown up together so she knows when something's up.

I'm not ready to tell her what, though.

Just as I was about to win, my phone buzzed and I lost.

I groaned and looked at my phone to see that Veronica was calling.

I went into a mini panic, yet I picked up the phone.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi baby! What are you doing?" Veronica asked on the other line.

"Playing Call of Duty."

Veronica groaned. "Again? You're obsessed."

"You sound just like my sister, and I'm not obsessed!" I exclaimed.

Veronica laughed her beautiful laugh, which is one of my favorite things about her. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. I just wanted to know if you wanted to go to the mall with me. I'm bored."

"Uh, okay. I got time." I said while checking the time; it was only about 8.

"Cool! Pick me up?"

"Absolutely. Be there in ten." I said as I got up.

"Okay, I love you." Veronica said.

I panicked again but replied with, "Love you too."


"Can we please just quickly stop in Hot Topic? They have cool Harry Potter stuff!" Veronica whined.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine. Anything for you."

"Thank you, baby." She said before giving me a quick kiss and dragging me inside.

As we made our way to the back of the store so Veronica could find the Harry Potter stuff, I saw a couple of familiar figures in the store and I freaked out.

It was Brennan and Annie.

And what made me feel even worse was that Brennan had his arm around Annie, and she had her head on his shoulder.

Does she not like me?

Stop it, Luke! You can't like her! Not another triangle!

"Luke! Earth to Luke!" Veronica said, snapping her fingers.

"Huh? Sorry, got lost in thought." I said.

Veronica followed my gaze and saw what (actually, who) I was staring at.

"Hey, it's our friends! Let's go say hi!" Veronica exclaimed as she grabbed my hand.

"I really think we shouldn't—"

"Brennan, Annie!" Veronica shouted.

They both turned around and smiled when they saw her.

"Hi!" Veronica waved them over as she was still shouting at them.

They made their way over, and when Annie saw me, her smile turned into a worried look.

"Nice to see you guys." Annie greeted nervously.

"You too!" Veronica gave Annie a hug.

"Hey guys, guess what?" Brennan said before wrapping his arm around Annie and bringing her closer. "Annie and I are now dating."

"Aww, congrats you two!" Veronica gave them a hug. "Aren't they adorable together?"

"Y-Yeah. Congrats, you two." I said as Brennan gave Annie a kiss.

I couldn't help but feel jealous as I saw them kiss. I really shouldn't, but I did.

"Come on," Veronica took my hand. "Let's leave them alone. I want to try on some clothes!"

Veronica made me stand outside the changing area as she tried on some things.

She tried on a few dresses and sweatshirts before buying a Harry Potter Hufflepuff sweatshirt (that's her house) and then we left.

I was glad to leave, because seeing Brennan and Annie there made it awkward.

I needed to talk to Annie about what happened earlier, and I needed to apologize so things wouldn't be so bad between us. We're in the same friend group, and it wouldn't work as well if we weren't friends.

I hope I can talk to her Monday, alone.


Annie's POV

I was at my locker Monday morning when Luke came up.

I groaned. "What do you want?"

"We need to talk about what happened Friday, alone." Luke said sternly.

I gestured him to lead the way.

He led me outside to the courtyard, where we sat down at one of the tables.

"I just want you to know that I'm sorry for kissing you. I shouldn't have done that. It's just when I get close to a girl, I almost always seem to fall for her. But, I'm in love with Veronica, and clearly you love Brennan. Can we pretend this never happened?" Luke said.

I smiled. "Thanks, I accept the apology. And yes, I'd like to forget about the kiss. I think I can understand where you're coming from. That kiss didn't mean anything, right?"


We both stood up and hugged each other (a friendly hug, don't freak out) before heading to first period.

I'm just glad that he apologized and I hoped everything would be okay from now on.

"Annie! We need to talk." I turned around to see an angry Veronica.

Maybe everything won't be okay just yet.


A/N: I'm so evil haha.
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