Chapter 7. A Realization

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Annie's POV

A few days had passed since the sleepover. These past few days, I've been trying to avoid Brennan and Luke as much as possible, which was especially hard with Brennan since he was my boyfriend.

It was Thursday morning, which meant that after school I had a private lesson at school with my private instructor.

Brennan knew about this, and he said he wanted to stay after school and practice in the other room to hear me play.

I was at my locker organizing some things before I went to lunch when Brennan showed up behind me.

"Hey." He said.

I smiled before closing my locker and walking away.

"Is something wrong?" Brennan asked as he walked up to me. "You seem to have been avoiding me since the sleepover."

"Everything's fine." I lied.

Brennan grabbed my arm to stop me from walking away. "If you think I'm mad at you for kissing Luke, I'm not. It was just a dumb game that didn't mean anything."

"I'm glad to know you're not upset about it. And you're right, it was a dumb game." I said before prying Brennan's hand off me so I could go to lunch.

While we were ordering, he asked, "Are you avoiding me?"

"Why would I do that?"

He shrugged. "You seem...mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you!" I protested before paying for my lunch.

"Then why are you avoiding me?" He asked again as we walked to our table.

"I'm not freaking avoiding you, Brennan!" I exclaimed before sitting at our table. "Sometimes I just need a break from you constantly hovering over me to check on me! I'm not a stupid girl, Brennan."

Brennan looked hurt at my words at first, but then he scowled.

"Fine. Then I'll give you a break." He stood up and left to another table.

"What was that all about?" Katie asked.

"Nothing." I muttered as I spread ketchup on my chicken patty.

"Annie, you can tell us." Sydney said as she placed her hand on top of mine. "Is everything okay?"

"JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! EVERYTHING'S FINE!" I shouted before leaving to another table.

I sat at a table alone by the dumpster as I ate my lunch. I was so annoyed how everyone kept thinking something was wrong when everything is fine!

Besides the fact that I'm stuck in a complicated love triangle.

Caleb's triangle seems like a children's novel compared to mine.

Speaking of, I looked up from my tray to see Caleb coming over and sitting across from me.

"What?" I asked before finishing my chicken sandwich.

"What's going on with you? You can tell me, I promise I won't spill it." Caleb said.

I sighed. "Fine. Promise?"

He nodded.

"I think I'm stuck in a triangle."

Caleb sighed. "I already told you, triangles are NEVER good."

"I know." I said. "I didn't choose to be in one."

"The triangle picks you, I know how it works. They're tough, Annie."

I nodded

"So...who's the other guy? Besides Brennan, I mean." Caleb asked.

I sighed. "Luke."

Caleb groaned. "That kid always seems to get dragged into the trap of a triangle. Can't he just leave the girls I love alone?"

I giggled. "So you do love me?"


I laughed even harder.

"Glad I could make you laugh. So, how did this triangle start?"

"Do you really want to know?" I asked.

He nodded. "Every detail."

I first started with the Romeo & Juliet skit from Spanish, then I told him about Luke kissing me, and then the spin the bottle game last weekend.

"Yikes. That's a tough one, Annie."

I nodded.

"Let me give you some advice; just think about who you love more, who you can see a future with, who you're happier with." Caleb said.

"Easy for you to say. When you were dating Syd, you said she was bossy and always over reacted, so you realized you weren't happy with her.

"For me? I'm happy with Brennan, and I can see myself with Luke."

"You sure you're happy with Brennan? You both seem upset at each other today." Caleb pointed out.

I didn't want to admit that I was kind of bored with Brennan; even though we hadn't been dating for long, I was bored with him. Plus, it honestly was annoying that he was always with me; a girl needs some space, you know?

To avoid the subject, I said, "I'm gonna throw away my lunch tray."

When I sat back down at the table, the bell rang.

"Gotta go bye!" I grabbed my bag and ran to my next class.

As I was walking to my next class, I kept thinking about how it would be to date Luke; would he give me more space than Brennan did? He does seem to trust Veronica a lot...

Would he be more fun? I don't know, probably. Luke seems more flexible with options while Brennan isn't as much as Luke...

Finally, I made a decision on who I wanted to date.

I wanted to date Luke.

But how could I break this to Brennan?


A/N: guys I'm a hardcore Brannie shipper and this kills me!
Who do you think Annie would be better with? Think about both characters in the story; who do you think is a better match?
Also YOU guys can decide this story! Whoever ship (Brannie or Lannie) gets more support, that will the one this story ends with!
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed don't forget to vote comment and share because I love your feedback!
Until next time ;) 💜

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