Chapter 6. Sleepovers & Spin the Bottle

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Annie's POV

Veronica grabbed my arm and dragged me and her outside to the busy courtyard. I was really getting nervous...

We sat down at a table and she stared at me angrily.

Does she know about the kiss? "H-hey, Veronica. What's up?"

She groaned. "I'm so mad!"

"About what?" I asked scared.

"I failed my geometry test!" Phew! "I was going to ask you if you could help me prepare for my retake of the test, since I've heard you're good at geometry."

"I'd love to help you!" I said, relieved. If she found about the kiss, she'd hate me, and I really like Veronica and wouldn't want to lose her as a friend over something stupid that didn't really mean anything.

"Thank you, Annie! I knew I could count you on!" She said as she hugged me.

Just then, the bell rang. Some kids screamed as they ran off to their classes.

"Oh no, I hope we won't be late!" Veronica exclaimed.

"I hope not! Gotta go!" I said, but before I could run off, Veronica grabbed me again.

"Luke and Sydney wanted me to tell you they're inviting our group over to their house for a sleepover and we'll watch a movie this Friday! Can you go?" Veronica asked.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure."

"That's all. Bye!" Veronica waved and ran off.

I quickly sprinted to class, barely making it. To be honest, I was kind of dreading this sleepover already. When Veronica said 'our group', that didn't just mean me, her, Luke, and Sydney; it included Brennan, too.

Which meant Brennan and Luke would be in the same place with me there.

Uh oh.


"Hey, Annie!" I turned around to see Brennan jogging over to Katie and I.

Katie groaned and rolled her eyes as Brennan hugged me.

"Now you now how I feel every time you come over and Caleb's home." I told Katie right before Brennan kissed me.

"How was your practice, ladies?" Brennan asked as he wrapped his arm around me while we walked to his car.

"Pretty good." Katie said as I nodded in agreement.

"You excited for the sleepover?" Brennan asked again as we all got inside his car.

"Heck yeah!" Katie exclaimed. All I did was nod again.

"You okay, An?" Brennan asked.

I just nodded.

I saw through the rear-view mirror Brennan turning around to look at Katie, probably asking her if I was okay. All Katie did was shrug.

We all headed over to Katie's house first so she could grab her stuff, then we headed to my house so I could get my stuff for the sleepover tonight.

As I was walking up my driveway, Katie came behind me.

"What?" I asked as I unlocked the front door.

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