Chapter 2. Gymnastics Tryouts & Good Dreams

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Annie's POV

"So, you excited?" Abby asked me as we headed to the locker room.

I shrugged. "I don't know. I've never done a gymnastics tryout for school."

"You'll be fine, trust me." Abby said as we walked into the locker room.

Since Abby already made the team she didn't have to try again, so she went with me just to support me.

I quickly changed into my gym clothes and headed into the basketball court, where there were girls stretching and doing some tumbling on the mats laid out.

"Can you help me stretch?" I asked as I placed my hands on the wall and lifted up my leg.

"Of course!" Abby grabbed my leg and lifted it up until I said to stop. She held it for ten seconds and dropped it.

She continued to help me stretch until the coach came out.

"Alright, ladies, stand in windows!" She shouted. Everyone got into windows formation and looked at her.

"Good. Hello, ladies, welcome to our gymnastics team tryouts. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Ms. Bryan, I'm a language arts teacher here, and I'm also the coach of the gymnastics team. You can call me Coach B.

"Here's a little about myself: I've lived here all my life, and I went to this school when I was your age. I did gymnastics from age three up til now, where I coach you girls for meets, games, etc.

"Now that's enough about me, let's get started on our tryouts, yes?"

Everyone nodded.

"Great. How about we stretch? Brooke, lead the stretches." Coach B walked out of the way and let this tall blond girl stand in front of us.

"Hello, everybody. Before we start stretching, I also wanted to introduce myself, since you will see a lot of me. My name is Brooke, and I was voted captain of the team at the end of last year. Now, let's stretch!" Brooke counted the length of our stretches and instructed us what stretches we would do until she finished.

"Great job, Brooke. Okay, let me tell you what we're going to do today." Coach B clapped her hands together and stood in front of us again. "Today we are going to be doing the basics; Brooke and I will each be taking a look at your skills to see what you can do, for example tumbling and jumps. Tomorrow we will start teaching you the routine, Thursday will be day two of teaching you the routine, and Friday will be the day you show your routine. And if you are in a gym currently, we'd like you to show us your routines on each event except for floor. If you're not currently in a gym, just show us what you can do. Got it?"

Everyone nodded.

"Great. Okay, Brooke, go to the table to the left, I will be at the table to the right. I want to wish you all good luck on your tryouts, and may the best fifteen girls win." Coach B smiled and headed to her table.

"You should go to Brooke's table." Abby suggested.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I can tell her I know you, and then she may like you better. I don't know, she always seems to like my friends." Abby explained.

"Um, okay."

Abby grinned and headed to her sister's table.

I stood in line and was towards the middle, since so many girls came behind me.

I noticed Abby whisper to her sister. Brooke rolled her eyes and nodded. Abby came sprinting towards me.

"Okay, Brooke now knows about you. Good luck!" Abby smiled and sat next to her sister again.

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