Chapter 11. Halloween

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Annie's POV

My eyes slowly fluttered open. I realized I was in the hospital, and to my surprise, I couldn't remember anything.

"Annie! You're awake!" My Mom ran over and hugged me. "How are you feeling?"

"W-what happened...?" I asked as my eyes still adjusted to the light.

That's when I noticed Caleb was sitting in a chair. He slowly woke up and realized I was awake. "Annie!" He ran over and hugged me too. "Why did you scare us like that?!"

"Scare you? What did I do?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" Caleb asked.

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to remember, but I couldn't. "No, all I remember is coming home from school with a headache."

Caleb and Mom exchanged glances before Mom sighed and said, "Annie, you overdosed on medication. The doctors luckily though got it all out of your system."

"I did?" That's when I started to remember; I was super stressed and had a bad headache, so I finished off almost all of the painkillers.

I face palmed. "Oh my gosh."

"Why did you do that? Has something been bothering you?" Mom asked as she sat on the edge of my bed and held my hand.

I sighed. Then, a nurse walked in.

"Good, she's awake." The nurse smiled and then asked me questions and checked my vitals before leaving to alert the doctor.

"Annie? I need you to answer me," Mom said, grasping my attention, "what's been going on?"

"Tell her." Caleb said.

Mom turned around. "You knew?!"

Caleb sunk in his chair. "A bit."

I sighed again. "I got stuck in a crazy love triangle and now it's ruining my life."

Mom raised her eyebrow. "And that caused you to do this?"

"Not just that." I sat up and brushed some hair out of my face, then I explained to Mom about everything.

She sighed and squeezed my hand. "I'm sorry, Annie. It'll get better, I promise."

"The only way it'll get better is if I get homeschooled again." I said.

Mom nodded. "If that's what you want."

"Wait, seriously?" I asked.

Mom nodded again. "If that's what you really want, then yes, you can be homeschooled again.

"During winter break, I can apply you for homeschooling again."

"Winter break?" I asked a little loudly. "That's still two months away!"

"I know, but that's the only time they allow applications besides summer." Mom explained. "And besides, if you changed your mind, it wouldn't be too late."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "Fine, I'll try until then."

Mom smiled and squeezed my hand again. "Thank you, Annie."

I Already Told You, Triangles Are NEVER Good [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now